I liked the way these three roses lined up, each one bigger than the one to its left.

The second rose photo features one of the most vibrant roses I've ever seen in person. It grabbed my eye from a long way away. It looks like I turned the saturation slider way up on this one but that magenta really was that deep. The saturation is unchanged from the RAW.

I spotted this critter hiding out in the petals. Gotcha!
I played around with this one, getting just the top edge of the most red petals in focus. The saturated parts are sharp and the less color saturated parts fade into the bokeh.
If you like this post click my name below or here for my blog page and hit the button!

can't get enough of those roses :)
:) It's a shame photos can't transmit smells, some of these smell amazing.
I can smell it :)
Splendid shots ! Great eye. That little critter's living in the lap of luxury :)
He'll never need an air freshener ;)
Awesome, I allready follow you ,love your photos! My moms favorite color was pink! RIP...
I loved them all! 💞💓💟💕💗💞
Thank you and thank you for following!
Thank you
I really like the first photo!
Thanks :)
it is nice
Great idea.. Simple blog. But the purpose of yours is the upvote and to follow you.
God bless and thanks 😊 Done follow @pfunk . Follow me too here @zionuziriel
Thank you!
awesome !!!
Beautiful pictures. What type of camera did you use to take these?
All shots were taken on a Nikon D750 with Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro lens for the first three and a reversed 50mm f/1.8 stopped down a bit for the fourth. You don't need an expensive camera for flower photography however! The macro lens I was using is incredibly nice though.
Hello @pfunk,
I love flowers, and roses are one of my favorites!
I love the fourth photo. I can see that you are a very talented photographer!
I can't wait to see more of your photos :)
Thank you
nice pics. yes i agree, nice composition on the first image.
Thank you @pcste
you get the right moment I like. Feel free to check my cosplay work 2. https://steemit.com/cn/@kyleb15/clannad-cosplay-photography-special-edition-clannad-cosplay
Hey steemer, I have a really big problem! After my girlfriend joined Vape Nation she's changed. She's started saying things like ''spread your buttery buns for a real n**ga'' and squeezing my nipples and calling me sugar tits. Idk how much longer I can take this abuse, what do I do?
How did I not have you followed from before? xD Haha, anyway, great content since I've been MIA. :)
Very nice! I really like the one with the little critter inside. I love photos and articles that shoe natural beauty. UPVOTED and followed,
@kus-knee (The Old Dog)
I think all post in this acoount is FAKE
This guy started Flag all my posts
I decided to look at his blog, and I saw very interesting posts
If you look at all his photos - they are very good quality
Why in this post such horrible photo? We show there a lot of mistakes that can be done only beginner. But if you look at his other photos, we can see that it is professional. How is that possible?
I asked him to show proof at least 1 photo, but it does not show anything But look this - https://steemit.com/pics/@pfunk/my-pictures-of-a-crazy-collection-of-rare-and-bizarre-antique-guns-oc
Thanks for the compliment now you can go away. If anyone's confused about this, see the comments here: https://steemit.com/art/@luision/i-drew-this-last-night-it-was-very-hard-looking-at-the-moon