Wings 2 of 100 "Entering the Storm" - Through the Glass | A Photographic Experiment

I'll be publishing some of what I call 'wing shots' over the next few months. During 100s of flights throughout Europe and the world I've made it a tradition to embark on the challenge of taking reflection-free photographs through the curved, double wall plexiglas of commercial jetliners. I've seen some truly awe inspiring views over the years and have used any camera at my disposal - SLR, phone, digicams.

Today's pic:

2016-02-23 10.21.jpg

The descent was about as rough as this image leads you to believe. That said - what a view!


This photo gave me goosebumps!!! I can't help thinking to the forces generated by the clouds.
Safe flights! Can't wait to see your next wing shots!

Yeah I feel the same, when you’re in or around clouds it really hits home the majesty and vastness of the natural forces on our earth. Just epic impressions. It’s why I love flying, most ppl just sit through it like it’s a busride and I’m like look outside the fucking window...every time never gets old.

Glad you like it and the pic conveys some of that feeling!