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RE: A Timeless Truth.....presented by Bleujay

in #photography4 months ago

What lovely pictures of the beach. There's nothing like a pleasant walk along a beach to blow the cobwebs away. The water looks lovely and clear from the images.

Skyfish eh? What an intriguing piece of art you've created there. What was the inspiration for it may I ask? Or was it more a moment of spontaneous creativity? The final product is very unique and beautiful. I get a strong sense of freedom when I look at that piece of art.

I see you're sticking with the principle of leadership again, this is an important focus for you isn't it? Although this time your focus is more on the recipient of the authority and power, not the leader.

Your perspective on the subordinate provokes much procrastination. None of us really like to feel we are subordinate or even subservient to others, but, as you rightly point out, in society it is inevitable. We accept such subordination with ease as children, understandably. But as adults it becomes a more difficult thing to accept.

I am always prepared to accept a subordinate position in the company of true leaders who respect their position, as well as their subordinates. The relationship between accepting subordination, say in the workplace, and expecting respect at the same time can become a tense relationship when leaders do not perform as they should.

My word @bleujay your principles really provoke thinking and discussion. Bravo!
