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RE: A Timeless Truth....

in #photography6 months ago

Beautiful flower pictures again @bleujay, it's such an uplifting sight. I really should get into flowers, plants, gardening and nature more.

Turning to the principle of the post 'he who does not go forwards goes backwards' - such food for thought. I initially found myself agreeing and I think for the most part the maxim is accurate and true.

But what of those times when we may not be necessarily moving forward as such but we are perhaps pausing for a while? Sometimes we do need to pause, reflect and take stock so we know how to move forward. But do you know what I think I might have just answered my own question, because in that moment of reflection to help us decide which way to go next that is all part of the process of moving forward, is it not?

A lovely thoughtful post again @bleujay.


Greetings @peaceandmoney ,

Happy to hear you enjoyed the photography and the cake.

Thank you for the smiles with regard to your excellent's true.

'Time for Tea' is that time...that pause for many....wouldn't you say.

Kind Regards,
