These are my efforts to produce something more then just photos. Occasionally, when I am working on a picture, something will strike me about it. Sometimes it's the music that I'm listening to while working, sometimes it's just the mood that I'm in, but suddenly I will see something in the picture, either in the whole or just a specific spot or colour, or a shape of the subject, it's like the image is talking to me; and other times it's just my urge to screw around with the photo. In any case, here are the results of my digital adventures with pixels, sprites and demons.

Looks like a field on an alien planet.
It's amazing how everyone sees variety of things in these works. Every time I do a gallery, my friends always try to come up with things they see.
Art shows that each person sees reality in a different way.
So true, I wish more people understood that more clearly, reality is all in your head.
I heard a saying before, "self- talk is your conversation with the universe." I don't know who said it.