Little guy banged into a neighbor's window and she brought him to me!
He was knocked unconscious, but I felt his little heart still beating and here is the story about his salvation.
As you can see, he was knocked out cold and I put his head under a cold water tap, dried him and then laid him down to rest!
We kept an eye on him and later at night he started moving. So we fed him some Papaya, gave him some water and laid him down again.
He spent the night in this quick make-shift house as we couldn't let him out in his condition.
A cat was sure to get him outside!
Look at him! First thing in the morning I set him free and he flew away!
He was full of life and as soon as I opened my hands he took off. We were so glad that he was okay and it is such a good feeling to have helped him. Many times in the past have I tried to save little birds but most of the times they were injured so badly that they died. You can imagine my dread when I opened the box in the morning and my joy when he sat watching me.
What a delight!
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity
This the reason and good lesson to us. Feel free young robin and fly to sky and continue your free. Thanks for giving us the truelly doing. Blessing sir :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you my friend.
Freedom is sacred!
Now he can live his life and all others can see his beauty!
What a pretty little bird! How lucky he was that you were there and helped. This is happiness!
Thank you Lady Elena and it was a reward for the other little birds that I couldn't save.
I think now I will call you Dr Doolittle how cool you saved it
I am sure that you would have done the same my friend.
Even for a tough tattooed guy.
I would like to think I would 👍😎👍
He is a lucky one good work
Posted using Partiko Android
Lucky indeed my friend!
Have a good weekend!
Always keep a spare shoe box in the house for young ones in breeding season. So many stay a night or two, wonderful to see this one made it Stephen.
My nieces son has had the excitement of helping two robins this year and both survived his magical touch. I am thrilled the younger generation are phoning now to ask for advice, experiencing helping wildlife revive and letting them go free.
If only all of the younger generation would follow his example Lady Joan.
If only!
Have a nice weekend!
so cute bird. you are so kind for birds sir..
Great work ...
Thank you for the kind words my friend!
Very good of you to help him. There are way to many in this world who would do nothing.
Proud member of #powerhousecreatives
That made me so happy that you wee able to save that little guy!
We often have birds hit the window in the winter time when they gather around the feeder.
When ever I hear a knock on the window I rush I check to see if they are knocked down and in the snow. If so I rush out to get their limp heads out of the snow before they suffocate. Usually they are just stunned so I hold them in the warmth of my hand until they start to regain their bearings somewhat and I put them up on this high safe stand so they can recoup enough that they will fly away.
It is so sad when they hit the window and their necks are broken and there is nothing you can do for they are gone - dead.
Thanks for sharing and it was lovely to see a young robin up close with their beautiful orange colored feathers!
I am also so sad when they die my friend. With this one I had a bit of luck.
You certainly have a very kind heart.