Good News! They are alive!

I felt like dancing when I saw that they are still alive!

A while ago I posted about their disappearance and we assumed that they were also dead. There were 12 of them here in the back garden and here are the last 3. The mother obviously started to hide the little ones to keep them away from predators. They have since grown a little bit and they are much faster.
Let me show you!

How's this for cuteness? I sat from 5:30am watching an impregnable bush, as I suspected that they were in there somewhere. At around 7:30 my suspicions were confirmed when they emerged!

Here above they drank some water after breakfast and then they again disappeared under the dense bush.

Fortunately not even a cat can penetrate into the bush and now I know that they will continue to be safe, but there's a question here? Why didn't the mother originally hide all 12 under the bush?
Well for survival sake, as here in the suburbs, Guinea Fowls raise only 1 or 2 of their babies, because it takes much effort to keep 12 babies safe and to care for them and so they sacrifice the rest.
I was just so glad to see them and we will continue to keep an eye on them!

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I feel sorry for the ones that didn't make it tho... Let's hope this little ones manage to grow to their fullest.

Awsome shots as always, best regards.

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Thank you my friend and it's sad to see the little ones disappear, but they keep the strongest ones to carry on in the future!

Mommy's are very clever they know where danger lurks, fast on foot, love the thicket, so glad you caught a glimpse with a the babies still around Stephen.

Patience always pays off, she will play a long game making sure as many as possible do survive @papilloncharity

Guess what Lady Joan! A new family arrived today with 10 little ones. They must have heard about the feed that we put out! There's now only 2 of the first lot left. Nature in action! Blessings!

Great to hear a new family arrived, told you they are clever birds...

Becoming the fast food outlet in town for guinea fowl sounds pretty good Stephen. Look forward to photography on the families expanding into the region.

I have tried to rise up those kind of beautiful creature, we call it "Ayam Mutiara", but when they grow up, they flee away and chose to live in the jungle freely LOL..but I love to see them grow up

I have seen some of them that were raised up on the farms my friend. I think the people first keep them in a cage from small and then they stay when they are released. Blessings!

Good news! I look forward to seeing them grow up!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you and so do we. A new family arrived today with 10 tiny ones. Blessings!

They are so cute! It will be heart breaking if they come to any harm.

We try to keep our eyes open for danger, but it's difficult at night and in the dark early morning hours!

Lovely, gives me smile when I look at it.

Glad you like them my friend! Thank you!

Congratulations! I am happy that you found them alive! I think that she took the weakest ones to protect them..

Thank you and I am afraid not so. They keep the strongest ones for future survival. Blessings!

OMG how cute, thank you for this beautiful post!😊

Thank you and my pleasure to share nature's treasures my friend!

how cool, your pictures are so cute. its funny how bird pick out the strongest to survive

Ah! The Republic of Ireland is on my page Lol. Birds are clever Paula and they know that the strongest ones will be good for future procreation, enabling the line to survive.

I remember when I had cockatoos and they had babies, there was one with a dodgie wing so they just stopped feeding him. I had to take over or it would have died. he never did get to fly, but he was a happy bird :-)

Shame, his mother would have thought, or felt, that with the dodgy wing it would have been easy prey! The way of nature.

That is great news and they seem to be doing so well

So far so good my friend! It's a bit tiresome to be awakened by they alarm calls early morning and to rush out with the flashlight to scare the cats away. To beat it all, another family appeared today with 10 new little ones!

Yeah not an alarm clock one would always want but lets hope the remaining and new ones do well :)

Awwww...they look so cute..👌

Posted using Partiko Android

They are cute indeed and it's so nice to see how they copy everything that the mother does! Blessings!

Yayyyyyy - that's great news.... They do look much bigger and hopefully are able to fend for themselves soon... Cheers, and have a good day!! :)

Thank you and I saw one little one trying to fly today. What a surprise, as he flew for short distances, but every now and then he lands on his head! So cute! Blessings to you my friend!

Haha, must be quite a sight! Pretty soon you'll have an 'empty nest'...

thats really good news. this is god make nature which is incredible.

Thank you and your words are so true my friend! Blessings!

That's what they do:) Guineas are always faking their own deaths. Nothing cuter than a little keet, though.

Thank you and I wonder why they haven't called them Faker Fowls. Although I have to say that there were 12 keets at the start. The tiny ones are indeed a joy to watch! Blessings!

Faker Fowl! lol!