Do you treat every day as a new day?

Many argue for or against this view (pun) of a new day, but the view in the photo above did not exist yesterday and it won't exist tomorrow! The secret lies in your view (thoughts) about a new day! Are you viewing your past every day? Then you definitely will not view today as a new day! Are you viewing your future constantly? Then you will regard today only as a springboard towards your future! In all of this you will miss the joys that the new day holds!
As I said, it all depends upon your view!
Let's have a look at my view!

I join this Crow in singing good morning to the new sunrise!

Watch in wonder as this mom prepares her child for the day!

Then I say hello to the Groundthrush as he arrives for a bite and a bath!

Oh, of course I also greet Lady Loerie as she arrives for a bite and a bath!

I welcome our prince of birds (Starling) to the new day!

And I even tried to wave at passengers in a plane that passed overhead!

What I am trying to show you here is that none of the above happened in the exact same sequence yesterday and it certainly will not tomorrow! We neglect to allow space in our lives' and in our plans for the unexpected and that's why 99% of our plans always crash. We are drudged by the monotony of every day routines and we become numbed against life's little great wonders!

So many times do I tell our students a simple secret! "CHANGE!"!
A scary word as most of us are creatures of habit and we would rather repeat the mistakes that we know, than entertain the thought of making any new mistakes! The sad thing is the fact that there are no mistakes in life, rather they are all lessons and if we don't make any new "mistakes", how would we learn and develop?
Open your mind and the eyes of your soul and be amazed at the results!
Think about it!

Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

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To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Do not count on it

Agreed! We can talk and teach until we are blue in the face, but there are those that cling dementedly to their established routines! The fear of change is a very real fear! Blessings!

beautiful photos!

Thank you!

What a lovely share of bird photography, yes nature teaches us something everyday, if we take the time to learn.

If you don't make mistakes, you are not working 😊

Thank you Lady Joan and also for the truth in your comments! Sadly there are so many that have never tasted change in their lives'! One job, same house, same car and same unhappiness! A circle that is only closed at the last breath! Life is a gift to be explored, adventures to be tackled and win or lose, at least you tried! Blessings!

Exactly!!! Perfect advice to give young people. And as always, I love your photos!

You are a real darling Lady Melinda and thank you for the kind support! Blessings!

Beautiful photos!

Thank you and glad that you liked the post! Blessings!

I agree with you my friend, it's important to feel space around you and don't live from day to day like there is nothing new around us. Btw, I like your sense for detail. :)

Thank you for the agreement and your wise reply! One has to learn to look through the eyes of the soul! Blessings! Stephen