Hopefully, they are still around here somewhere.
Not all that long ago, my children were blessed with the opportunity to watch wild baby Rough Green Snakes hatch from their eggs in their bare hands. This is a rare experience indeed, and thankfully we also caught it on camera.
Since these snakes are harmless and nonvenomous, we welcome them here on our homestead. Moreover, we view creatures like this to be vital parts of the ecosystem, and we enjoy their participation in our "Organic Pest Patrol Posse" program, so we chose to release them into our garden.
Just prior to their release, we took a couple of parting photos. I just love the look of these snakes anyway, and a handful of little ones just out of the egg look so interesting. Here's a few of them to enjoy! See what you think.
Until next time…
Make today special!

Very Medusa-ish. :)
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very nice but dangerous?
NO danger here.
Ok they actually look quite cute... which is no small feat
Nonvenomous snakes are always a benefit to the landscape, and these are such little beauties, how could anyone think otherwise?
So grateful that you and yours have the same viewpoint.
Keep on keeping on!
Posted using Partiko Android
reptilianz, make our main brain ;)
Remind me of Medusa :) with hair made of snakes. When are small they seems to be harmless and kind of cute :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Wow ... this is very scary for me.