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RE: A Timeless Truth....presented by Bleujay

in #photography3 months ago

Allow me to expound on my pet peeve.

Our trust in the western medical model borders on religious, and most of us follow rituals in that regard. The annual mecca to the doctor. The annual mecca for mammogram and pap smear. The semi-annual mecca to the dentist. The every five years mecca for a colonoscopy. In these cases and more, the rituals are worse than meaningless; they are harmful.


Greetings @owasco ,

Appreciate you dropping by for a cuppa.

True, True, True,...I so agree with you.

It sounds like you and I are on the same page....the only visit to any physician is when they are required....not as expected on a schedule. Let's keep our volition intact. ^__^

Wishing you a Happy Christ-mas,


It's always lovely to meet kin on this issue.

I firmly believe, after watching too many loved ones die early deaths from iatrogenic disease, that our best chance to live long and healthy lives is to stay away from western med unless it is sorely needed. There are so many other healing methods, not the least of which is to stop pouring toxic OTC meds into the body while it is defending itself via inflammation, fever, diarrhea, vomiting and pain. And we do this kind of thing in the first hour of our newborns lives! It's absurd. I am very angry about it today. Thanks for listening.

Happy holidays and beautiful flowers every day to you!