Ramadan Mubarak

in #photography7 years ago

We have many different cultures and religions in the world. Some of them are well known and some less. For some small or newer ones we don't even know they exist.

We all know Islam is one of them.

I'm not in favor of any. People are free to choose.

I can see a lot of similarities between steemit and the real world. It's a mixed bag.

I decided to show you one of them. Just a tiny part of course. A couple of sentences or photos can't do that but if you interested in the subject you can do your own research and learn something new.

This month is the holy month for all the Muslims around the world. Ramadan. I am sure that most of you heard about it.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the fasting month for Muslims. It falls in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

Participants fast during daylight and generally eat a meal before sunrise and after sunset, called suhoor and iftar.

The end of Ramadan is marked with a large celebration.


You know at the first moment that you entered an Islamic country by mosks. They are everywhere.


Proper lights add the value to the architectural and spiritual aspect.


They plan ahead and sometimes mosk is among the first buildings in the new residential area.


I saw this sign on the ceiling of my hotel room and I was thinking that is some kind of safety warning or approval certificate.


My friends explained to me that every room has this sign which points towards the city of Mecca.


Another beautiful one in the desert.


The first building standing on the new lot.


Two items you'll find in every hotel room in Dubai.


A shot from the highway.


The closer to the center of the city you get the better the architecture of the mosks gets.

I hope you saw and learn something new today, my friends.

Ramadan Mubarak to all my Muslim followers.

Have a great day, my friends.


Ramadan Mubarak, but Ramadanis almost over now. The last 8 days left now

Ramadan kareem

Very interesting post with a nice attention to detail. The mosques are impressive buildings. The last night shot is really beautiful!

I'm Moslem and thank you very much for your sharing about Ramadhan. Thanks for your respect. The nice photos that repsentation about beautiful of Islam.

By the way, I just post about Iftar today, about the event of break the fast.

Ramadan of the month is full of blessings, the glorious holy month of the other months. I am proud to be following someone who is like a Muslim friend like me. greetings the best friend of Islam always for you friends may be blessed by Allah SWT in this holy month. amin ..

do not forget follow me friend, @aamaksal

Thank you so much brother :)
Khair Mubarak <3
Today was the 22nd fast.
and now we have left 8 more and then we will Celebrate Eid :)

Ramadan kareem

Very nice i like it
That's really great

Ramadan Mubarak...Towards the end of Ramadan....One of the five pillars of the Muslim community during Ramadan...........Ramadan month is a very important month .........

I will upvote and restemLebaran stay a few days away, I was amazed by the trip with the various photography mosque is very amazing, hopefully your day is fun and always successful, regards to know from @marlisa, I am a Muslim, I want to apologize if all this greeting you, follow you, because i want to have a happiness like you.

I did learn a few things. I hope all is well with you.

I'm fine, thank you.

Whoa, it's interesting. I never heard about this sign on the ceiling! Here in Europe, you can find the Holy Bible in the hotels.
It's also strange for me, that a Mosque is the first building at a new residential area. I grew up as a Christian, but we hardly build new churches. It's a really rare event.
I think that the most important lesson was I learned during my religious education that we should respect the others and their believes.
Fortunately, I've got a lot of friends with different religions (Catholic, Islamic, Jewish) and all of them tolerate the other. I wish it were all around the world.

The Vatican grab all the money. That's why we don't build churches. I was raised Christian too.

Exactly. That's why I distinguish church and a belief.

Ramadan is the month of worship for all Muslims. Are you on vacation there (Dubai)? by the way I like your photography and a brief presentation of Ramadan. Thank You

Beautiful photography.. just loved the last one. Stay blessed and have a great time full of love and blessings..:-)

The mosques in Dubai are very beautiful. The most of them are new and luxurious. Only some days left and Ramadhan is over. Even the weather was nice this years and fasting was very easy. After finishing this religious fasting I will try water fasting and see how it goes :)

Nice shots!

We do should respect in other religions ,glad to see that within you :)

I am glad that I came across this post and the things that you said are indeed true.As a Muslim the month of Ramadan is very important and it holds very significant meaning to us.While the month is almost ending for this year.

Great to see some of the Beautiful Mosques in Dubai.Thanks to you.

Wow what a nice picture. I just love tgis prestigious Masjid. Would love to pray here sometime. I love your mesmerizing photography @oldtimer.

Yes, Steemit is multicultural Platform and that's the beauty of our life because every culture have it's own amazing essence and beliefs and in my opinion by knowing all cultures we can expand our vision towards our life because every culture shares an beautiful view point of life in their own way. And i want to say that you shared amazing and breathtaking pictures of Architectures and every architecture have it's own unique essence. Thanks for sharing this post with us and keep up. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

how beautiful you collection, I'm so stunned see this, so glowing!

before, thank you for having shared about what is done by people who are Islamic in the month of ramadan.
you are saying everything is very true, in the month of Ramadan is the most sacred month for Muslims around the world.
for Muslims, when the month of Ramadan comes, is required to fast, namely, restrain thirst, hunger and restrained lust and others.
for people who are sick or unable to perform fasting or restrain thirst. are required to pay the fast when the person returns to health.
besides, before the time for fasting to restrain everything. before sunrise we are obliged to eat and drink, in Islamic language we say is eat sahur, eat sahur is eat before sunrise. and we break the fast when the sun is set.Hi @oldtimer

fasting month is a month blessed, Muslims run fast for a month full. after spending a month fasting and enduring thirst and hunger, then, for us Muslims welcome the day of independence, the feast of Eid fitri.

once again thank you, already share about islam @oldtimer

hope you are always successful in all areas @oldtimer. and always blessed by god, amen

Regards @kamalsaputra

May This Ramadan be as bright as ever.
May this Ramadan bring joy, health, and wealth to you.
Ramadan kareem.

El Ramadan, hace que los musulmanes ayunen durante ese mes completo, es una festividad un poco exagerada pero muy seguida en el mundo. Saludos @oldtimer

It's too impressive, the structures, its beauty is spectacular! The pictures I love

Good photography dear

I couldn't agree more. People should be free to choose and respect what other people have chosen.

You are also Ramadan Mubarak. Every country has all kinds of people.

Ramadan mubarak. Great to see people from so many cultures here on steemit.

Have a nice weekend!!

ramadhan success is not at the time of Eid fitri by using the best clothes. but the real ramadhan's success is for those who are increasingly believing in Allah SWT

Awesome, Thanks for sharing, our tolerance each others and respect for any religion in the world make this world more beautiful life, greeting from Aceh sumatra.