My New Assistant

in #photography7 years ago

If you travel by foot your range is limited.

Since we moved to the city my exercise was limited. I walked a lot, but 6 km one way was my limit.

About two hours and fifteen minutes and 12 km in total are also still safe before your face freezes at -15 degrees Celsius in winter or mosquitoes eat you alive in the summer.

I used all interesting photos for my blogs on these trails and it was about time to do something.

So I bought myself a bicycle. In the photo looks sharp and new like in some fancy commercial but it's just a second-hand bike and I paid $150 for it.

It still needs some work to be done. Breaks and suspensions are squeaky and chain needs some grease. And gear tunning would be good because the chain doesn't want to climb on the biggest cogwheel.
I don't need high speed for now but sometime down the road, I'll get there.

Enough about my new assistant and let's check my new photos.

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I don't know who's idea was to name the bike for sale in Canada by Africa desert.


Perfect landscape photo?

Well almost. But even the refinery chimneys are not to bad after all.


Free wood from the Rocky Mountains. Too bad nobody will pick it up. We all have gas furnaces here.


Time for some art.

This log will serve as sculpture by the trail till November. Then the snow will cover it.


A perfect nature scene just 500m to the refinery.


Coal and oil.

Energy is a big and important part of Alberta's economy.


It takes four diesel locomotives to pull one hundred loaded freight cars.

You can be stuck behind level crossing barrier for fifteen minutes when you're lucky and the train just pulling off.


This is what I call perfect.


Market up, market down.

These guys don't care at all.

They just relaxing.

That's all for today. I made only 18 kilometers yesterday but when and if my butt and bike will establish some better connection and get used one to each other, you can expect some longer rides and new photos.

Enjoy your Saturday.


Congratulations on the bike... you have motivated me to go for a ride now. I really appreciate the way you capture scenery like this, more so as I miss it so much. You should license the crows photo to CNBC and Bloomberg!

Those images are ❤️

Your photos are stunning and encapsulate the beauty of Canada and the perfect complement to your storytelling @oldtimer. RESTEEMED!

interesting ..
I love the simplicity and efficiency .. looks good
Thanks for sharing..

The birds on the wire don't care about the markets and from their posture it looks like they don't care about each other. Cool bicycle but you would probably die on the Serengeti if you tried to use it there. In Edmonton you can cover a lot of new territory and get some good exercise. I love the photos of the freight trains and the pond with the fountains!

Well seems like your assistant will be be much of help in the coming days as well ! Well give it some time you both are gonna be liking each other soon ; )

As fo the images they sure are indeed stunning and beautiful on theor own ways !

Thge landscape , Nature, the Perfect shot were indeed cool !

Liked them all by the way !


I find all the photos very interesting. I been to Canada only once in my college years.
I went to Quebec with my other girlfriend at the time.

Congratulations for your bike I hope you enjoy your ride in it, riding a bike is fun, make incredible captures impeccable work @oldtimer

emm all photographs photo is very interesting, canada is very beautiful to visit. and I really like the photos that have waterfall. thanks for sharing @oldtimer

@oldtimer. all my city in venezuela I traveled by bicycle cumana state sucre that was one of my goals and I achieved part of that silvio for the avalanche excellent your article enjoy it friend thank you for sharing @oldtimer

Have you ever thought of getting a electric bike?

Congrats on the new wheels! I look forward to seeing pictures of the extended territory you can now cover.

Zar niste pokosili sav maslačak? Ne znam ništa o biciklizmu, mogu samo da vam čestitam kupovinu, poželim srećnu vožnju, nećete se umoriti. :) Slike su osobene, 8. i 7. su prelepe. Hvala na deljenju, @oldtimer.

Congrats on the bike. Fun story - my very first BMX was a Raleigh.

I missed biking too because of my condition now I haven't been able to ride a bike.There's another beautiful scenery that you had shown @oldtimer and that bike really is gorgeous too with its front and back shock absorbers.

howdy sir oldtimer! hey the bike is going to be a blessing to you as well as for us to see more beautiful photos! Besides the bike helps to keep you in shape. great post!

all pictures are really amazing, specially those crows are really funny with your words "market up market down". I pray for your butt and bike can make some better connections and we will enjoy some glorious pictures as well from you..... have a nice day.....

The pictures are very soothing and relaxing for the eyes.
Wooo 18 Kms is a good enough distance to cover in a day :-)

it is very beautiful post! enjoy travel

I am sure that bike will be put to good use with you as its owner.

I am sure that bike
Will be put to good use with
You as its owner.

                 - paparodin

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Un metodo de transporte un poco olvidado pero de gran importancia para cuidar la naturaleza y de paso tambien a nuestro cuerpo @oldtimer

Congratulations for your bike @oldtimer. I hope we shall see more and more amazing photos now:)

Lo felicito por sus fotos. Sus experiencias son increíbles. Me da gusto haber visitado su blog. Gracias por regalarnos sus imágenes. Desde Caracas, Venezuela.-