
Both contestants failed to put up a picture for match #2. So I didn't put up an empty post.

Ok, so the winner of match 1 will be in the finals automatically?

Yes, very crappy how that turned out.

I'll want to do another tourney after this one ends, hopefully we can get enough interest to fill the bracket plus a couple of alternates.

This same thing happened when we were on flickr, people would no-show, and if we had an alternate, they would be put right in.

Not fair to everyone to have someone advance automatically, but that's how this ended up, much to my dismay.

First try, so it's ok. No-shows are a pain in the ass... however, don't stop, it just needs some time to get established.

I agree! This tournament was such fun on flickr and really made people try hard on their photography. From the entries this time around, it's no different here so very exciting to see that!