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RE: Morning tour 2

in #photography7 years ago

Yes, feeling much better. Sun helps a great deal too. Coughfree myself, hope you will be soon too.

Had the urge to go out. Overdid it a wee bit though last saturday, hahaha, but it was worth it.


that's good to know!

yeah ... still coughing but no more dry cough
hate that .. still wakes me up at dawn though but at least loose now
no more throat ouch

I could tell you went far :D
hahaha... well if you enjoyed it
it's worth it!
have a great week ahead!

That cough takes a while to leave, but it will go. Otherwise go ask the doctor for anti-biotics. Do not like it myself, but it had been a long time for me, so I was okay with it.

Hope you'll recover soon and get the needed important good night sleep Ivy.

And yes, the trip was worth it! :-)

Have a great week too!