Night Walk // Caminata Nocturna

in #photography4 years ago

It was too hot to stay inside tonight so I went for a midnight walk around my town to take advantage of the wind coming from a thunderstorm to the north.

Hacía demasiado calor para quedarse dentro esta noche, así que fui a dar un paseo de medianoche por mi pueblo para aprovechar el viento que venía de una tormenta eléctrica al norte.


Normally there is a Somali crowd hanging out on the streets but tonight they are deserted.

Normalmente hay una multitud somalí en las calles, pero esta noche están desiertas.


This house doesn’t fit in with the rest of this town. I am always drawn to it. Tonight it seemed deserted.

Esta casa no encaja con el resto de la ciudad. Siempre me siento atraído por ella. Esta noche parecía desierta.


The lightning was so intense that my camera could not focus, even in rapid fire mode.

Los relámpagos eran tan intensos que mi cámara no podía enfocar, ni siquiera en el modo de disparo rápido.


The noise from the factory drowned out the distant thunder but it still seemed abandoned.

El ruido de la fábrica ahogó el trueno lejano pero aún así parecía abandonado.


The only sign of life in this town at 1 am.

La única señal de vida en esta ciudad a la 1 AM.


I brought my little buddy.

Traje a mi amiguito.


All photos were taken with my iPhone 7 and may not be used without express written permission. // Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi iPhone 7 y no pueden ser usadas sin permiso expreso por escrito.


Like the environment especially the fuel station looks so lively, always take some chilled beer I like it in a hot weather

We can’t drink beer in public. Those days are looooong gone lol

Lol, why? Does it affect your work or you're been restricted to. Whichever one just stay safe and take something chilled juice can serve, I guess

One person did something and now the rest pay for it. It’s a criminal charge called “Public Intoxication.”

smart to bring lil' buddy, always good to have friends :)