frangipani flower

in #photography7 years ago

Good evening friend of this flower steemit named frangipani flower, Flower of Cambodia or with latin name Plumeria rubra Acutifolia, is a flower that originated from tropical and African Amirika. This tree belongs to an ornamental plant, belonging to the Apocynaceae family. The flowers consist of several types, among others: white and red or japan. Cambodia which has a variety of colors is now increasingly grown in the yard as an ornamental plant. The flowers are not only beautiful when attached to the trees, but also remain beautiful even though it has fallen and scattered on the ground or grass. The benefits of frangipani flower parts include, Stems: containing white resin containing resin, kautscuk, triterpenoid amytin and lupeol compounds. Especially on the stem bark nutritious to quell the pain due to swelling and and cracked on the soles of the feet. Contains plumeirid compounds, ie glycoside compounds that are toxic. Flowers: to prevent rheumatism or uric acid (used as tea), relieve fever, stop cough, launch out urine, stop diarrhea due to dysentery, prevent fainting from heat and cure constipation if consumed in large quantities). Therefore fragrant frangipani flower can be used as a mixture of soap, mosquito coils, and perfume.






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