The endless and cold world of the south. Once believed to not even be real but curiosity got the best of the early explorers to push further south. I believe when Captain Cook actually circumnavigated Antarctica but did not see land, simply thought that what ever was down there was of no use. Kind of a funny statement with what we know now.
However, at the time it was deemed not worth the effort to push further to investigate. I do understand why they thought this, having been down there for quite a few seasons now. The endless sight of ice, with no land in sight can wear down your enthusiasm. Especially, when you think that they weren't exactly sailing in comfort like we do today when we explore this part of the world. They did not have restaurants with amazing chefs, hot water and showers, a bar and comfortable beds to sleep in every night. I do remember waking up on Christmas Day to this view a few season ago. Spectacular but at the same time quite daunting.

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