A Day To Celebrate 6/15/17

in #photography8 years ago

Today is a special day for me :) It's also a special day for this girl I know.


Today happens to be exactly 9 months from the day we started a relationship! This blows my mind for several reasons.

  1. She's wayyy better looking than me. XD
  2. She's smarter than me (sometimes, lol)
  3. She is so busy and for her to make time for me in her life truly means so much to me!

Let me just take a moment to brag about this beautiful girl.


Annie Rose has one of the sweetest hearts I have ever seen in a person. She is simultaneously able to have immense compassion for others and find time to spend with me in the midst of her hectic schedule. Annie is attending Grand Canyon University with me this year as she continues to pursue her degree in Nursing. As many of you know, nursing school is very demanding of time and money. Clinicals cost a lot, college is expensive, and on top of all of that, she has to save up and buy a car for herself this year. (She was previously sharing one with her sister, who now lives in another state.)

She has worked so hard to accomplish her dreams of helping people in the medical field, and I just wanted to take a moment to brag on her to you guys. She is such a supportive girlfriend to me. She stands by me in whatever I decide to pursue, and she has a way about her that will lighten the mood no matter how serious :)


She is genuinely one of my favorite people, and I am so looking forward to spending years and years together with her in the future.

Annie Rose, happy nine months. I love you.

-Mike Knipp