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RE: The favorite of the zoo - my favorite

If only they liked to be held captive in primitive concrete and steel cages as much as we like to look at them for our amusement, at our convenience.
Not judging you personally 😐
Wish people knew there is a better way to enjoy them.


Of course, animals should not live in such conditions. And I also wish them the best. And under natural conditions, people manage to harm them. And that you have an alternative offer to zoos?

hi @zvezda51 again, i don't mean to attack you personally. you seem like a good person who cares about animals and nature, which is why i took the time to write you thoughtful responses. these are not attacks, just logical ways of looking at different things.
if people know that animals should not live in such conditions, then people should not pay to keep these conditions in business. if people do not pay to keep these zoos in business, the zoo will not exist. it's like saying "i know this is bad but i'm going to do it anyway".
yes, even in their natural environments people harm animals, but that is NOT a reason to keep zoos in business. that would be like saying that people are going to kill each other anyway, so why do we need laws making murder illegal.

there IS a better way, and here is one example:
this is an example of a NON-PROFIT organization whose mission is to rehabilitate and give these animals a good life. this is completely different than a FOR-PROFIT business whose mission is to make as much money as possible from the animals.
Big Cat Rescue offers guided tours that respect the animal in its natural environment, AND they are helping to end the big cat trade (zoos are buyers)
I know this is not a cheap, easy, fast alternative to a modern zoo. But you didn't ask for a cheap, easy, fast alternative. I assumed you were asking for a better alternative.

You, probably, will be surprised, in our city the zoo, in which the entrance is free. He is on the maintenance of the local patron of art. But, I also do not mind you, it's just that "truth is born in disputes" :)

Wow I did not know that 😮