Animals this Week

in #photography9 years ago


A girl meets a polar bear at Blijdorp zoo in Rotterdam, Netherlands on July 7, 2016. (Photo by Action Press/Rex Features/Shutterstock)


A brown shrike feeds her chick on a tree branch in a forest in Gangneung, Korea – a resort city on the east coast, on 06 July 2016, as the annual monsoon season recedes briefly after two days of torrential rain. (Photo by EPA/Yonhap)


A swan has become a regular visitor to a cafe where it hunts for cake crumbs and other treats in Essen, Germany on July 5, 2016. According to owner Sara Hettchen, the friendly bird visits every day expecting food, and will eat out of a person’s hand. (Photo by Action Press/Rex Features/Shutterstock)


A leopard feeds on a carcass in Kruger national park, South Africa on July 7, 2016. (Photo by Greatstock/Barcroft Images)


Praying mantis on a radiated ratsnake, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on July 7, 2016. (Photo by Rex Features/Shutterstock)


Imagine having Shutterstock licensing built into STEEMIT, so one could search for and insert images on the fly while writing a post.

Very nice photos, thank you

Good fellows, that you travel and you share excellent photos. Fokusima the beautiful area, is a pity that there was such accident.
Насколько необыкновенна природа и как варварски мы относимся к этой хрубкой экосистеме.

Striking photos. The one from Kruger reminds me of the classic youtube video "Battle at Kruger."

I like the birds.

природа мать она прекрасна

медведь самый красивый