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RE: First Place Image

in #photography7 years ago

This beautiful picture is certainly a reflection of not only his skill as a photographer but also reflects his great photoshop skills. Correct me if I’m wrong but from my limited use of photoshop I have found it to be an extremely difficult program to learn so kudos must go to @brandongarrett not just for his time spent taking all 180 images but also for his perseverance in arranging said images to create such an amazing piece of art. It is no wonder he has received accolades for his work and I feel this particular piece is a mirror to his imagination. This image he has created gives me the urge to go to a playground on a clear starry night and lie back on a spinning merry-go-round to try and recreate the sensation that this great piece of art inspires. I appreciate @danielsaori bringing this great artist to my attention and my gratitude goes out to @brandongarrett for making Steemit a more interesting place to hang out. I’m sure his work will be spread far and wide amongst the Steemit community. @brandongarrett certainly deserves every upvote he gets for this fantastic image and I will most certainly be following his progress on Steemit. Kudos my friend!