It came. Mysterious and full of discreet charm. On the other hand grey and rainy. Autumn has as many fans as opponents. However, one thing is certain: the flowers inspired by the autumn climate delight.
The autumn aura is conducive to getting stuck inside. In the end, we rest after an active summer. It's time to immerse yourself in your favourite reading and drown in your favorite, soft chair. The interiors also become cozier. We focus on soft fabrics that can be wrapped around you. No wonder then that this aura is reflected in my photos, which I hang in frames on the walls.
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I hope you have enjoyed !!!
Thank you for visiting and supporting my work. My heart always deeply appreciates your friendly words.

How nice to see your posts again!
Lovely close up pictures ) Both black&White and in color.
Thanks for mention
incredible shots you shared dear so good to see that