Making tsurus and the importance of Perseverance!

in #photography3 years ago

A while ago I learned a little more about the history of tsurus, as I found it very interesting how people could make beautiful objects simply by folding paper!


At the beginning I thought I wouldn't be able to make the folds stay the same, but I understood that with dedication and time it's possible to replicate the projects (I don't know if all of them, some are very complex!). Nowadays there are several channels that show the step of how to make origami. It's very interesting to do the folds, because you stay focused on that project and forget everything around you, it's almost a kind of therapy, a reflection.

The Legend of Tsurus

Tsuru is a sacred bird of Japan, it is the symbol of health, good luck, happiness, longevity and fortune. Japanese legend tells that the tsuru can live up to a thousand years. It is considered the companion bird of the hermits who took refuge in the mountains to meditate, believing they had supernatural powers so as not to age.

The legend says that if a person makes 1000 tsurus, using the technique of origami (secular art of paper folding) with the thought turned to a wish, it can come true. Keeping this information in mind (the wish itself was not even important to me) on November 21, 2018 I started making my tsurus with the most varied sizes and roles. The idea was to take what you had at home and produce a tsuru, either with blank paper (more classic I think), colored paper, used wrapping paper, etc, because any piece of paper can be made into a beautiful origami.


I think I joined two things that I like to do, which is transforming things (taking advantage of something that would go to waste) and photography, as I had my models every day to invent different compositions.


My idea was to do 1 tsuru a day and post it on instagram, however, unfortunately I couldn't complete all 1000 tsurus as I proposed, I actually stopped at 53… if you stop to think beyond manual skill (which is easier) and time, the most important thing to complete this project is the perseverance of doing one every day.

Funny to think that if I had kept doing one a day, two months ago I would have been doing my last one!!! I had never thought about it! Of course when you look back on the journey it's always easier, isn't it?


Keep going!

Perseverance is very important for many (perhaps all) things in our lives. We need perseverance to continue each day, without giving up no matter the obstacles that come your way. In the end, the most important thing to achieve a goal is to keep trying, doing something. You will get it.


After writing this text I even wanted to continue with my tsurus.

My guys on instagram:

See you soon!


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