“ Golden streets of Heaven ” ( sunset )

4F3B304D-B104-4C30-A8EC-922033AAF5D7.jpeg. “The setting sun, and the music at the close, As the last taste of sweets, is sweetest last, Writ in rememberance more than long things past.” ~William Shakespeare


This post is resteemed and upvoted by @bestboom

Many thanks for resteem and upvote.

William guideth me through the complexities of language and how to use it properly.
You know how I feel about Sun sets. #lifesessentials so I am at a loss for words regarding this visual. The tire tracks compliment the timelessness of the rest of the image I appreciate the contrasts. When I encountered it a couple of days ago my voting power was so low I did not upvote sorry. I did spend 0.5 Steem and engaged @bestboom to promote this post. Its useful to understand how value drives quality content and the other way around on Stemit & that is the spirit of my intention. There are many many many promoters here on Steemit. Like everything else some good some not so good some way better than most @bestboom in my limitied experience is the latter. Keep being magnificent! @magnificent.she

Thanks for all the efforts you have taken for this post @dadtho . I am forever greatful . All smiles .

We are creating a support community here, thanks for your efforts and understanding @magnificent.she Promoting excellent posts is a blessing. We used @bestboom to promote a poignant post by lady-jane Fluffy sounds like an amazing friend; I am so grateful she shared it.