in #photography8 years ago


It's a shame when people lose the flame.
So who takes the blame ,should we all name names.
Is true love something that today is thought to be insane.
In our Society will it ever come back again
when young and old couples walked together holding hands.
The The definition of love nowadays is so confusing I just don't understand.


In my opinion, it is a form of love, affection, affection, basically compassion is sacred, let us consider a mother so dear to her child, so willing to sacrifice if the child is disturbed. Naturally this instinct that is in humans, starting from the affection of parents to their children, and vice versa. But this instinct of love can be closed if there are obstacles that become quarrels, enmities, envy and so on.
It's only natural to be affectionate to old ..

You're right so many times we forget to put our relationships first. We get relaxed and start to take the other person for granted. Or we focus on outside activities instead of building a solid foundation in our relationships.

Nice post luckyfellow yes bro I agree with your post and I really appreciate it..
Plzzz check out the mine post too

I did nice post.

Nice words, so deep. Do you feel these feeling right now my luckyfellow?

Kind of. Things have changed between my wife and l.

You have to be patient, you have to talk to her, heart to the heart, I wish that you are be ok my fellow.

It always feels good to walk hand in hand with my partner. He takes me out on long walks around our village. During our walks, we sometimes talk about our plans and sometimes we're just quiet. Either way, I love these long walks I have with him. It makes me feel like an old soul whose found her soulmate lifetime after lifetime. I may not know a lot about love and life but as Bono said, "what you don't know, you would feel somehow".

I would liked it if my wife would have walked hand and hand with me. But it never happened she always wants to walk a head of me. She says it habit of being single before we met but it has gotten old , when we first were dating she had no problem sitting close together while watching a movie or tv , kissing out in public. Matter of fact she chased me. Once she got me the passion slowed down. I had to ask all the time for physical affection , she never brought it up first. Then l developed a heart condition ended up getting a implantable defibrillator Which l think made things worse even though l was healthy enough for love making. Love is being there emotionally also sometimes we need to have empathy from those who say they love us. If we are not free to express joy , anger and pain when we feel it than what's the use.

The problem with love is that it's never for long.
Passion sparks feelings that then put us wrong.
It takes work and some courage to keep romance going,
but few understand, it's mainly about growing.
So off we do part when we are frustrated,
to then cry with new eyes at what is forfeited.

You feel me. Thank you.