Set of Cannabis photo's.

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Hello again,

as I told before I am a pro drugs person (as long as you take responsibility of course).
And I took up this nice hobby of photography.

Now this other Steemian called @cookerburra inspired me to take this set of photo's last night.

Of course needless to say I am not a professional photographer, I don't even come close to many of the artists here, but it is a start and I am proud of what I do.

I love the evolution I make in taking different angles, working with some light, and just trying to get that perfect picture.

Boy, and what a journey it is.

So here is my first set of cannabis related (macro) pictures.


a little bud, resting on the far end of the laptop

following are a few different try out of some cannabis in a grinder getting ready to be processed


playing with the focus functions




and after these pictures I have had a well deserved end product of this lovely bud



As many of you probably see (including me) I need to work more with lightning and find the best angle for the best light to get the pictures just that little more of an "awe".

Hence I made all these with a smartphoe
(Type: Huawei P10 lite)

Thanks for the interest.

Please inspire me with ideas on what I can make pictures of.....I am open to suggestion .

Warm greetings!


I especially like the pictures of the bud in the grinder. The shine really shows the crystals

aye, I was aiming for that, so it worked out good if you noticed it!!

I also tried to make a few pics of my kief.....but those were a bit dull.

Here, some "exclusive bonus material" just for you:




Still a brilliant light colour though!.
keif is a hard one to get nice photos of. You need quite a bit to make it look the best

haha, as you can see I had enough.
I just didn't had some proper light.
So the lightning of these are just some small bureau lamp and the onboard light, because without it would look to dark

I usually use a second phone so its a softer light (you can move the phone closer or farther away to change how sharp the light is)

This is keif compressed into a solid hash block. Not mine, was on an Australian Smoking page

that's my aim with the kief I have.
Last time I had 3 grams of kief and made a cake with it.....
(First time my partner ever had an edible.....poor woman haha).

Now I am going for the hash!
that is a pretty neat block there btw mate

I always tell myself I'm going to save it but I always cave and smoke it early lol. Although I am determined to save some now to try and make some Rosin with it (has a much better return than bud) Poor lady, she would have been destroyed by that cake lol

Just realised i wrote shite instead of shine in my first comment. Edited to fix it now XD

Great pics! Thanks for sharing 🙏

thanks a lot for the compliment there.
those are things to keep people going.

I'll be posting more of these and other pics in the future.
Same as a few nice blogs that are coming up about different subject that are about cannabis and/or other different "drugs"/medicine .

Feel free to follow me ;)

Thanks again