I found a white feather in our garden the other day. I’m not sure where it came from there are not typically a lot of white birds around here. Sometimes I like to collect feathers, I have been finding a lot of them lately.
I recently saw a pair of bald eagles up on top of a tree. I wish I had my other camera because you can’t really see them well from the pictures I got from my cell phone, so I’m not posting them. I always get excited when I see big birds like that.
Some deer came by and visited. One of them ate mostly weeds in our garden so I left it alone and just took some pictures. The results weren’t all that great because of the lighting and taking the picture through the glass window. I should have grabbed my other camera but the cell phone is just so convenient.
A while ago I was gasp playing with food and made this insect type face on my meal. This is a naan bread that came from the grocery store frozen that I popped in the oven and put some different colored heritage tomatoes on. I like the tomatoes fresh better so I sliced them and put them on after I took the bread out of the oven.
I guess I’ve been looking a lot at @ades macro insect pictures, lol. If you haven’t seen his blog, you should because there is some really good close-up photography of insects there.
On that note, I should be getting a Galaxy S9 plus soon. It is supposed to do some nice close-up photography and the camera is an upgrade from the S7 that I use now.
I’ve been really happy with my Galaxy S7 it does everything that I need for now. Unfortunately the cell phone company has been way overcharging for service and we need to switch companies to save on the monthly bill. The Galaxy S7 that I have is locked into my cell provider and I can’t use it with a different company.
Oh well, I guess I have to suffer with a new upgraded phone, LOL. Just kidding, actually I’m really looking forward to seeing how well I can capture different textures and other photography with the new cell phone camera. I feel very thankful and lucky.
Thanks for reading! I always value your comments and support. Photos were taken by me with my Galaxy S7.
the third picture looks very delicious. are you the one who cooks it?
It is already prepared food from the frozen food section in the store. I just heated it in the oven and added some fresh tomatoes on top. Very easy to do and makes a fun meal.
O yes, its amazing.
in your country you lot of deer ya, where do you live?
I upvote and resteem picture the third delicious food, enjoy your own cuisine, success always for you dear @lightsplasher
The deer come by very frequently. I think they like the area because the carnivores are mostly to the north of where I live. Success alway for you too, thank you for your support.
If you have time, please visit my blogThanks dear @lightsplasher
O like drink beer with deviled. Good to see you today with outstanding post.@lightplasher, I'm interesting to collect bird's feathers to.. it can used for creative products. You catch next very innocent deer capture. Finally made beer hungry. Lol.
Thank you. It was a nice meal.
Camera smartphone is very simple, but can be used to communicate the camera is also in the grip, so it can easily capture important moments
I like it a lot. It is so nice to have a good camera around all the time when photo opportunities come up.
White feather is amazing with color full flowers
Awesome photography TRhanks or sharing keep it up you have great skills of photography
Thank you, I'm glad you liked the photos.
nice take its.this photo is wonderfull
I enjoy watching the deer. The young ones are especially fun to see.
Wow it is very fond and amazing .. !! ya good friends do not forget to visit my article that desperately need your hand out thank you gentleman for its good
Okay, thank you.
good pictures, hopefully you get a quick S9 galaxy to get more results .., a good story about bald birds and white fur in your garden friends ..,
Thanks for your comment and stopping by my blog. :)
this is all perfect, you take with a very good camera.
all the image results look very perfect,
Thank you. I'm actually very happy with my Galaxy S7 and would not trade it up if I could use it with a less expensive cell phone service provider.
It is very nice.
wow nice photography
i really like this
thanks for sharing
and resteemed
Thanks for your support.
Very nice shot by phone... i make it to my phone wallpaper buddy.brother hope you okay. Keep me in prayer..
Thank you. I'm glad you liked the photo. I shall keep you in prayer.
Thanks buddy
Brother how are you your all post i know very prosperous i hope you remember me because you are my old friend.... i don't forget your help... nice click on this post photography....
Carry on.......,??
Thank you.
Very cool. Nice post my friend
Thank you.
You are welcome my friend
wow its a nice amazing smartphone photography.. so perfectly taken photo in every one.
thanks for sharing @lightsplasher
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.
You have a very beautiful post. where did you learn the esteem .. and what kind of food is my name I have never tried that food. what I may try his friend
I've been posting on Steemit for a while, I guess I just learned as I went along. The food is really simple to prepare. Just some naan bread with cheese and vegetable on top. I bought it ready made in the store and heated it in the oven and added some fresh tomatoes on top.
Thank you friend . your post is good for sure even though I never feel your food. but one day I will taste your food. it looks quite tasty and tasty.
I like to tell you insects because insects when the bite must be sick, I also like the deer but the benign.
Insects can be an issue when they bite. I'm lucky to live where the insects and deer are generally pretty friendly.
The feather seems strangely apropos among the flowers. Something symbolic in it. The pizza has made me hungry and now I am wondering if I should trek across town to the only place that sells paleo pizza.
I'm glad you recognized the symbolism, LOL. Art is so fun... This is just frozen pizza from the store with some fresh tomatoes on top, I feel lucky to have such nice food easily available.
this seems to be a good meal
It was very tasty and easy to prepare.
want to know the recipe and want to try cooking
It is already prepared food from the frozen food section in the store, I just added some tomatoes on top after I heated it in the oven. It is naan bread with cheese, onions, garlic and spinach on top, as I recall. I can look more closely perhaps next time I get some.
You are very creative, Besides being able to take good pictures you can also cook
Samsung Galaxy S9 plus has crazy camera with f/1.5. I would have bought one if I could afford it. By the way, have you tried any external camera lens on your Galaxy S7? There are wide lens, macro lens and fish eye lens.
I have the lens for my Asus Zenfone 3 Zoom, macro lens worked just great. I don't need any DLSR camera to have fun. If you want to take macro object, I suggest you to buy external macro lens for your smartphone.
Here is sample of my macro shot using my smartphone + Aukey Macro lens.
I was really thinking of getting some different lenses for my Galaxy S7 but now that I have a new phone coming I guess I will wait on that. The S9 plus has a dual camera and variable F-stop that is supposed to be able to do some really fun effects. Hopefully I won't need an external macro lens. I'm very impressed with the level of camera technology in smart phones.
Nice picture! Thanks for sharing.
So beautiful photography & good Playing with Your food.
Thank you. I think playing with your food is great at any age and gets better when you get older. (Don't tell any of the young ones I said that though, just our little secret, LOL)
The weakness of hp camera when we must take a picture long distance…
But for close-up images it's okay.. 😊
I really want Note 8 plus .. because BTC dropped so it does not achieved.. hahaha I must be patient.
Always the best my dear @ligthsplasher 😉😊
I found that patients is a key in crypto. BTC dropped so I'm hodling now and trading alt coins.
Hopefully you can get that Note 8 plus soon, best wishes @walad.
I do not understand about trading😂😂😂 lol..
Thanks my dear @lightsplasher.. 😊
really your all photo is very beautiful. good camera.and good phone
Thank you. Yes, the camera and phone are very nice. I'm feeling very fortunate.
And this food looks very delicious😋😊😅
Thank you, I'm glad you liked the photos.
waw it is very beautiful flowers and but unfortunately it's a deer food but can also be made for our food is delicious this blog is very good I want to resteem first yes I may resteem @lightaplasher
Your always welcome to resteem, thank you.
The picture with the feather is so beautiful and I enjoyed your creation you made with the naan is great too. How's life going otherwise?
Things are going fine, thanks for asking. I finished up filing my taxes and started preparing the soil in the garden. The weather is getting nicer. How have you been?
The weather is getting hotter and more humid here :( I am glad things are going good at your end. I have been good just so so busy. Trying to venture into speaking too so attending more social events here and trying to build lucrative contacts. It's hard but fun too.
Congrats on the new phone!! My son Ben has been saying he wants a better camera phone so he can start posting. Well he has been saving up and just bought the S8 used from B and H. He loves it and the camera is quite good. I still use my old LG G5, but it does OK for the money!
BTW I took a pic of a feather at the beach today.
Nice pic, I like exploring beaches. New cameras are fun for sure. I would have just used my S7 if could have switched plans without upgrading though. The new phone should be here tomorrow.
White color feather seems to be feather of pigeons. Pardon me i am not bird expert:P. Your photography is great. and in my honest opinion if your Galaxy S7 is working well why you go for Galaxy S9. Isn't a better idea to buy DSLR camera instead of S9 any way it's my 2 cent idea. Food you are presenting in the pic seems to be delicious. keep sharing nice stuff. @lightsplasher
I think you might be right that it is a pigeon feather. It is a bit unusual to see a white bird around here. The phone I would not have upgraded except for the fact that it saves me a lot of money each month because the cell phone companies charge a lot for service and lock the phones they sell to work with only their plans.
Yes companies want to extract every blood of hard earned money:(. All the best. keep sharing @lightsplasher
Being able to own a camera phone that can capture small things in a great detail is really wonderful and soon these phone manufacturers will make it available in a much cheaper price as soon as many others jump on the same specs that they would compete upon, the consumer wins but it will take time though.
It is nice to have a new phone and the cameras keep improving. I just wish I could have made use of my previous phone and just changed my phone service plan.
I'm sure people as well as you are very easy to get another camera better, in my mind you are a generous rich man, please upvote and visiting my post, thank
A beautiful and unique combination, this is a brilliant idea @lightsplasher.
you always have many photos of this flower.
in my country the name of his orchid flowers.
what is the name of this flower in your country?
The deer is very pretty and cute, of course you have a pet like this.
wow .. this food makes me hungry, must be very nice @lightsplasher 😁
Excellent your post Thanks for sharing.
i like it....your all post dear👌👌👌👌
i like it...your photography dear👌👌👌👌👌
@good job dear @lightsplasher @beautifull photography dear👌👌👌👌👌 i @resteem your all post dear
Nice photos :)
Wow cool it's Oya master Chanel I'm still very cute that needs your attention so I'm more excited
I always get late with your posts and for this reason I apologize. You probably will not see my comment but I still have to say that:
Thank you for your support. It seems you live very close to the true nature and this is a blessing (but once it can be even awkward if you are too far away from the modern life facilities). Your smartphone pictures are extremely well made and I think with the new phone will be even better. I bought a camera to improve my photos but until now I did not notice a great improvement. Thank you again.
Your post is pretty beautiful. I love the same post you can I follow you. I really want to like you a lot to follow and vote post.
this is the most beautiful post I love with your photography @lightsplasher
congratulations teacher activity, the teacher really noble always appreciate us once again banya for appreciation ,, every post my teacher @lightsplasher is very simple but the struggle is amazing I am happy may the teacher always success and happy always with teacher @lightsplasher
you really noble always appreciate us once again banya for appreciation ,, i am glad you may always success and happy always with you @lightsplasher
visit me brother :-):-):-):-)
,, every post my senior @lightsplasher is very simple but the struggle is amazing i am glad you may always success and happy always with you @lightsplasher
whether it's yours and your creations
amazing post and photography you really noble always appreciate us once again banya for appreciation ,, every post my senior @lightsplasher is very simple but the struggle is amazing i am glad you may always success and happy always with you @lightsplasher
Nice pic great post.https://steemit.com/esteem/@rossey/exemplary-samsung-plan-esteem-samsung-galaxy-s9-46c048434cd1b
you really noble always appreciate us once again banya for appreciation ,, every post my senior @lightsplasher is very simple but the struggle is amazing i am glad you may always success and happy always with you @lightsplasher
Wow posting that gives me inspiration and motivation, I can imitate you for success thanks @lightsplasher
This must be something very special. @lightsplasher.
Wooow amazing post my friend @lightsplasher... this post very interest and useful...nice to meet you @lightsplasher.