Yep, this looks like Appalachia. It's so beautiful.
Do you know if the spring water is drinkable? We have a spring about two miles from our house that we go and get water from to drink at times. It tastes wonderful.
And you are right about the spring is freezing cold! We have a place about 30 miles away we go and swim that is a fresh spring. I can barely stand it, but the kids love it. I will have to get pictures some time.
Thanks for sharing.
I talked about tasting the water while we were there and I never did, haha.
Kids often don't have temperature gauges - it is the Creator's way, haha. That would be a great post for the challenge you are on!
Only 498 to go! Lol.
It would be a good post for the challenge! I will have to talk to my wife because it's way back in the woods somewhere and I get lost everytime I go into the boonies of Hanging Limb. Almost 10 years here and I still get turned around back there.
I remember growing up and we would always go to Lake Erie in the summer. My parents would have to make my brother stay out of the water because his lips would literally start to turn blue, lol.