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RE: Bluebells

There is so much beauty and coolness in this post! These photos are magical and I learned some things. I did not know that ferns had winter coats, and I also did not know bluebells were poisonous. The thing you said about medicine is kinda interesting. First thing that comes to mind is chemotherapy for cancer... it's quite literally poison. We like to talk about how we have made so many medical advances and we have, but a lot of it is still kinda barbaric if you think about it. We still poison people to try to save them. We still harvest organs from the dead and stick them into living people, then give them drugs to disable their immune systems. We prescribe drugs for depression that occasionally make someone kill themselves. If you look at it from an alien's perspective, it all probably looks like we have no idea what we are doing.

I love how you write about the fairies and their magic, luring people, having their gathering... and the danger of bluebells ringing... some people might scoff at such things, but I believe life is far more beautiful and interesting with magic in it. Thanks for sharing some of yours ^_^


Aaah! Thank you lem! I am really glad you enjoyed it ^^

I was as surprised about bluebells. I think we have similar flowers in Latvia, but they bloom at the end of June and their scent is a lot stronger. They are white and also poisonous.

I think we consume quite a bit of poison all the time. Sometimes we are just unaware. When it comes to medicine, I only recently realized that most of it is actually poison in small doses, mixed together to kill whatever bug, virus or illness we have caught. Rarely it is something that make us stronger, improve our immune system and resistance.

This quote comes to mind..

“You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic.” ― Lewis Carroll