
in #photography5 years ago

I live in Johore,Malaysia
Now, here is having light raining continuously since last evening.
There's a lot of place had a flood right now.
I hope everyone safe and everything gonna be okay.

Syukur, my place is just fine.
And today i want to share fresh-capturing on my green plants..

raindrop at young lemon

keladi leaves

malay phrase, 'ibarat menyiram air di daun keladi'
-which means, it's just wasting time to talk/advice with the people that ignoring you.

butterfly leaves

pop flower in yellow version

young kemboja tree

look who stick at my lime's leave

kedondong, this one can made a yummy juice.

Kesom leaves.
Put this leaves on the assam pedas dish!! the smells will wake hungry all the times.

That was for today.. thanks for view my entry.

Posted using Partiko Android


@lea8ndrea, Such a fantastic photo clicks. I love the way your creative camera shots. After the felt water droplets to plant leaves, that gave beautiful reflection. Just excellent.

hehehe thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

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