In Which We Go Down Memory Lane (Part II)


This is a continuation of my last post, but this one focuses specifically on a couple of early wedding shoots.

This bridal session was taken for a friend of mine who never got bridals for her wedding and wanted to give me an opportunity for practice when I was first starting out. (I was actually her Maid of Honor when she got married.)

We went up into Provo Canyon on a crisp November day, and the wind was quite impressive! It was during this shoot that I realized how much fun wind can really be to play with.



We even made a stop at the beautiful Bridal Veil Falls -- because we considered it was fitting for a bride, especially with her longer veil. LOL


This was one of my first actual paid weddings, taken at the Mt. Timpanogos LDS temple. I had a lot of learning to do!



This couple got me for the whole shabang -- engagements, bridals, and the wedding at the Salt Lake Temple. It was my first "full-service" wedding in that regard, taking photos every step of the way.

We did a bride-and-groom session down near Arches National Park, and the red rock made for such a STUNNING backdrop for a bride!




And the wedding at the famous Salt Lake temple was pretty awesome. To shoot at this iconic location was special to me, as my parents got married at this temple. It can be tough for photographers, given how busy that particular temple is. But I was trained to do this quickly, and I managed to get the shots I was hoping for regardless of the time limitations.






Thanks for indulging these fun little flashbacks! Now on to newer things.