In Which We Flash Back to A Baby's First Christmas

Charly May at Christmas (1).jpg

I can't believe this was ten years ago!

On a trip back back to the east coast to visit family when I was still building my own photography business, I got to meet this cutie for the first time -- my cousin's first little child.

And since this happened to be at Christmas, we decided to quickly do a holiday session to capture "baby's first Christmas!"

We got her daughter dressed up in this adorable red and white dress and we placed her in front of the tree to see how she reacted.

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Her little eyes lit up when we turned the twinkling lights on and she reached out for the tree, completely entranced. She fingered the boughs of the tree, and gently stroked the ornaments.

Charly May at Christmas (3).jpg

And then she just smiled, and let out a little squeal, and when I captured that moment, it was one of those moments I knew I'd never forget. It's always going to be moments like these that make me LOVE what I do!

Let's all be like little kids this Christmas season, and let ourselves be awestruck and giddy when we see lights and trees and hear the holidays songs. It's the Christmas season, enjoy it!