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RE: It's been awhile, but...

in #photography4 years ago

I like the I voted sticker! lol yeah there is probably a few graves with that sticker. I really like the snowy bison but you know me and my furry critters.

Sounds like you had a nice time joining your family for vacation. Spending time on the lake or in nature is never a bad idea. I traveled during the pandemic and spent most of my time on trails, I don't feel the least bit weird about it, neither should you , we need a break from the covid madness. It's pretty cool that your dad is building you a kayak, my bff's dad used to build canoes, there is a lot of work into crafting one of them. I'm glad to see you back, I hope you stay a little while!


Thanks! I have a few photos of the kayak build that I'll try and share in anotehr post. I was only able to get home on weekends occasionally to take photos and help, but did take part in the fiberglassing and the insanity that was joining the top and bottom pieces together.

The bison are very photogenic, but they always look the best in the snow.

I'll be looking for them in the future then. Still got to take part, that's cool. I find bison look cool in any setting.