The Old Dog Experiences: A Twice in a Lifetime Occasion!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

On Sunday night my son and I were driving home from Lugano and what we saw absolutely blew our minds! The clouds had formed into conical swirls that turned from white to red/orange as the sun set. They were so unusual, so mesmerisingly beautiful, that we stared in amazement and scurried frantically to take photos! 

The only time that I had ever seen anything that was as uniquely beautiful was about 40 years ago when I witnessed the dancing light show that is the Northern Lights.

Check Out These Pictures They Are NOT Touched up or Filtered!

This shot was taken from the balcony of our house which is at about 800 meters. I still can't believe what I saw! Taken with an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II and the next one with a iPhone 5

This shot was taken from down in the valley about 20 minutes before the one that you see above.

People everywhere were stopping their cars to take pictures and everyone was in dropped jaw mode as we speculated on what could possibly have caused the phenomena! One man even stated that it looked like the end of the world. It was too beautiful and tranquil for that I said to myself.  There was some talk that it was the result of a brush fire that had destroyed a forest the previous day. 

What do You Think?

  • Have you ever seen anything like it?
  • Do you have any idea as to what could have caused it?
  • Have you ever witnessed the Northern Lights?

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "A Twice in a Lifetime Occasion!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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Brilliant shots!

Thanks a lot for sharing this magnificence with us all. This is the sort of things I used to see when I lived in Terrace, British Columbia.

Some areas of our world are prosper for cloud formations and the confluences of three major rivers in the area, on top of being right on the Northwest Pacific Coast, only a hundred kilometres away from the converging currents coming from both Alaska, on one hand, and Northern California on the other where they are meeting in Haida Gwaii, creates some of the most spectacular cloud spectacles I have ever seen. the water vapours from the Pacific Ocean build up against the pressure of the Coastal Mountains stopping the moisture from moving forth unimpeded. From there, the humidity laden air compresses against the mountains and is pushed up by the trend winds. they funnel in the paths of least resistance where the deep river valleys are found and, of course, concentrate their inflow into the main channels. In the case presenting itself in Terrace, BC, it is the mighty Skeena River that offers this opportunity. When deep river valleys aren't present, it is often large wide valley, land masses that are smooth and easy for the winds and moisture to travel through. I think it may very well be the case here in your picture. Let me know... ;)

The one you are sharing with us here is breathtaking and I'm so glad you had the occasion of photographing it, with such quality too!

Thanks again for another great post and occasion to share on this topic of beauty.

Namaste :)

You've had many magical moments living where you do. This was definately one of my greatest.

I'm from Locarno, I sow that, it was amazing:-)

Wow, sono molto contento che hai trovato la mia pagina. Qui in Ticino siamo in diversi: @airmatti, @steemitri, @lellabird60 @peterparker ed altri. Sei hai bisogno di qualsiasi informazione o aiuto mi fai sapere!

Grazie anch'io, ora vado a vedere chi conosco, sono giá curiosa:-)

Did you take any pictures?

No but I was with a friend and he toke a good picture:-)

Wow, che spettacolo!!! Ho appena fatto 10 minuti fa un post simile, ma io abito in veneto e il fenomeno non è stato così accentuato come nel nord del piemonte o lombardia e bassa Svizzera. Le tue foto sono pazzesche, sopratutto la prima, il rosso ha un'intensità incredibile.

Infatti tutta la zona è stata trasformata. Sei nel Veneto? Il mio suocero era da Asolo! Vado lì abbastanza spesso! Vado a veder il tuo blog!

Si sono di Thiene, non so se la conosci, ma da Asolo saranno 30 km 35 al massimo, dunque quando vieni non sei molto distante da casa mia. Per dirti domani vado a mangiare dai parenti a Bassano e li siamo vicinissimi :). Grazie per essere passato per il mio blog.

Amazing pics. I would have guessed they were edited or polarizer / filter combination applied otherwise.

It was so incredible.

Isn't nature just the most incredible thing. Haven't ever seen anything like that, must be some pretty unique weather conditions that create those incredible patterns. I'm new to Steemit and look forward to seeing lots more amazing images.

Yes nature can take your breath away. Welcome to Steemit, it's a fun place to be!

WOW, how gorgeous phenomenon! Undulatus Asperatus! Looks as if it would be on another planet! They are very strange and rare cloud forms. I think, Mother Nature is the greatest artist at all.
Unfortunately I've never seen such a sky, and even didn't see Northern light, though it can appear in Hungary (very rarely, after a sun-flare). What caused this? Extreme weather and climate change, but I don't think it has any connection with chemtrails or HAARP.

Yes they did not seem to be chemtrail clouds. The time that I saw the northern lights was one of my single most greatest moments in nature.


Very impressive Old Dog!
Happy Pumpkin Day 👿 💀 🎃

Yes, it seems that this is the day that you were waiting for avatar wise!

Wow! I have never seen anything quite like this before. You managed to get some amazing shots. Thanks for sharing these.

Yes, it was a great evening!

Stavamo facendo yoga quella sera e ci siamo persi lo spettacolo accipicchia!!!!
Big hug!

It seems that half of Ticino was taking photos of the sky that evening.

I have never seen such wonderful colors, no more than northern lights. But I want to go to Norway next year to take pictures. What could have caused that is difficult to answer.

1000% agree with you..

If you do go see the northern lights I will really enjoy seeing your pictures!

I will try my best to hold on.

Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing this @kus-knee. Upvoted 100% Keep ‘em coming!

Enjoy Steemfest @terrybrock. You're the perfect mc and you will add class and professionalism to the occasion!

These are just amazing. I have seen some really incredible sunsets when I lived in the mostly flat plains of Texas. But, I have never seen clouds as unique as these, you are very privileged ! Have you shared your photos from the Lights on Steemit?

I saw the lights about 40 years ago and the only pictures I have are emblazoned in my mind!

Those images in the mind are not to be underestimated ;-)

WOW, this I have never seen, but I guess the pictures don't show what you really saw when you are their.. the depth etc in reality is 100 times more impressive.

It was really a great experience!

wow its Amazing its the first time that i see this beauty thank you so much its incredible

Yes it was really spectacular!

Very cool sky :)

Yes indeed!

:)) I must find too

wow amazing scenes indeed, well i never experience such scenes before but i think it looks like a sunlight trapped or blocked inside the clouds due to some reason and it gives a reddish look, thanks for sharing such unique photographs with us, Stay blessed

Thanks for your theory explaining this wonderful effect!


So wonderful!

Have you ever seen anything like it?

The second picture is familiar, so probably yes. The first one is scary and unfamiliar. I don't think I have ever seen something like that.

Do you have any idea as to what could have caused it?

I have no idea.

Have you ever witnessed the Northern Lights?

I am from Hungary and I have never visited other countries so far. The Northern Lights is a rare thing here. I don't saw it in real life so far. Only on pictures and videos. It's beautiful! Seeing the Northern Lights in real life would be interesting and exciting!

Ah, so you are from Hungary. Now I know two Steem friends from there.

I have seen sky like this. Those are really beautiful indeed. and rare moment also. Your son might see it again after 40 years!

Yes once every 40 years or so seems about right!

Wow, great colors for not touched photos. Very impressive work from mother nature. :-)

Yes the colours and shapes were stupendous!

Always good to have your camera at hand, nowadays.

wow it's awesome.. I have't seen anything like this in my life. I have no idea the cause of this. No i am not so lucky to see the Northern Lights yet

Thanks for having a look!

Pretty good shot.You are in the right place at the right time with the right temperatures and all right factors with sun setting and all and the lights shone the lower parts of the clouds @kus-knee you get that effect.

Yes you are probably right, a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Awww ....amazinggg!!!! I'm wonderstruck by these scenes. How I wish I were there at that moment! These are the best photos I've seen on your blog ...easily could be the photo of your life!

But probably not, you are gonna serve us many more breathtaking photographs, I feel ...esp. if you ever go to watch Northern Lights again. Although I never got a chance to see those but I've watched several videos for that multiple times. Aurora is the reason I wish to go to Norway some day.

I hope that you make it to see the Northern lights. I saw them about 40 years ago occasion is still burned in my memory.

wow the beauty of it is amazing and lovely .
That is one hell of a beauty
Cool shots buddy

Thanks a lot!

Amazing pictures. Took my heart instantly

Thanks a lot!

That's really magical to watch wow simply outstanding :D

Yes it turkey was magical!

Wow. Amazing photos. Resteemed :-)

Thanks so much for the resteem!

awesome picture,can u plz tell me which camera did u use to capture it ???

The picture from our balcony was taken with an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II and the other one with a iPhone 5

But i have to say, u have great hand for capturing picture. Keep it on

Those are some really breath-taking pictures and I have no clue what might have caused them. Amazing!

Im still trying to figure it out!

If you do, I guess it should warrant a new sciency post then :)

Absolut fantastic shots!! Congratulation for this sureal experience ;) Greetings from Mongolia, Silbart.

From Mongolia, so nice to have you here on Steemit!

Thank you @kus-knee. I am originaly German, but I spend the last years here in Mongolia. Have a nice day ;) Im curious if there are more posts like this one are coming.

This is great photos, with no filters, amazing!!

Yes it was a magical hour!

Wow....wonderful sunset....

Wel done abd perfect wirk my dear friend "The old dog"...
Cheers~~~~ Awesome photograpy by @kus-knee

Thanks a million!

It feels like clouds reflect the eruption of a volcano ...

Yes it does give that impression!

You probably have been on another planet? I've never met anything like that. It's an incredible beauty, but also a great mystery. It's something cosmic. A little North of my latitude is already the Northern lights, but it's not too similar to what I see in You. You are very lucky to see this beauty. Thank you for sharing.

Yes it does seem to be another planet.

Absolutely stunning! What did you use for these; your phone?!


The picture from our balcony was taken with an Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II and the other one with a iPhone 5

Wow thanks :-) Yeah the Olympus one is so rich in texture; however the iphone one is pretty rad as well!


As for what caused it; I'm not sure, though I'm tempted to do a Wiki search on cloud formations; I bet we could find something similar . . .


That's a great idea!

Hy @kus-knee, Kalau warna orange ini sangat cocok dengan tantangan warna hari selasa ini, apakah itu asli dengan warna langit? Please upvote and follow me @muchtarudin

The fire burned the sky with its red color, fantastic photos - a beautiful color shade @kus-knee You and your son were enjoying a ride with a beautiful view.

Yes, I'm so glad that managed to get some good pictures!

These images should get an Oscar

Northern Lights I've never seen, but my husband @HomeArtPictures and I would like to drive along the Hurtigruten and see and take these extraordinary lights.

Seeing the northern lights will forever change you. It was a sureal expeience!

really beautiful.

Really impressive, I would like to see everything in my own eyes. You can think that the aliens have arrived, and it's scary and fascinating.
Unfortunately, apart from the eclipse, I did not see anything like that.

Omg, it's so nice.

Hey.. @kus-knee amazing photography .thank u for sharing.

Looks magical!

Wow! Very much beautiful pictures of beautiful sunset.. To experience the beautiful event is heavenly.Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post. Good luck friend.

you vote & follow me.......I will vote & follow you

Unbelievable this picture.

Unbelievably stunning sky :)

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