To look at art simply as is, without thought or relegation, is equivalent to looking at a jewel as a stone rather than acknowledging the work behind the product. Raindrops fall with no question of the importance behind a single drop. One drop, two drops, thousands of drops, sequentially, they become a vital source in nature. Fueling our livelihood and nourishing life. Never once have I questioned the placement of a drop, but the older I've grown the more I've come to accept that raindrops are a metaphor to the energy we put out into the world. When the right amount of energy meets the right source, the end product can be malevolent. Whereas, when energy is wasted on the wrong object (like that of raindrops on a car) the end product benefits neither party. Where there is little to no investment of positive energy the result is often positive, yet where there is an over abundance of positive energy the outcome produces an oversaturation - the flooding effect (an overflow of a good thing). A raindrop can be a good thing as well as a force to be reckoned with. Take a step back and see the beauty behind natures creations because rarely, if ever, does nature make mistakes. Let that drop fuel you rather than withdraw you from the world. We need more positive outlooks in the world.