Today, Doors were pretended to be under attack in Philadelphia. This is a classified report given to us by a very high value informant, detailing the evidence left by the perpetrator. He, The 'perp', also left details so if his story would be told exactly how he would have wrote it.. Strange I know.. but hey.. Sandy Lanza Hook, with Carver raised no real flags in Connecticut, and we moved on.
Ok I am not going to lay out a military style format for you, but go through and see that there are three main parts
1. A big Picture - Pattern of SEVENS, and a story
2. Visual Enticements - Photos
3. Something Different - A fakin' "General Grand Wizard" writer
The something different is always you.. Everything else is like driving. Operating new machinery. At the end of all training, the Alive You determines the direction of your experience.
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Door Number 2, not #2, which is poop. How would you differentiate the two in writing if you weren't talking about this....? Any way I was out Photographing when I got to my Seventh picture and this is where the pattern began. Door Number 1 was me taking a picture pretending I was kicking down one door, then I decided, "hey, lets 'kick' down all the fakin' doors. "
So let me introduce you to a phenomenon , I will show you the pattern that developed from the first photo I took. First, the pattern began on the seventh photo of my journey. I began taking pictures of anything that stood out, operating in 'flow', moving through space purposefully on my journey.
"And Schlucky Number 7... The Pattern of kicking down doors begin. I have the notes too.. This is what happened; I decided to count to see?!?!..... something. I usually count everything looking for 9's, 3's, 33's, 6's , 7's and other beautiful equations. But i am not meticulous about editing the grammar or spelling.. I think that "for show" stuff is for editors. The people with ideas are not concerned about political correctness.. making sure god is spelled with a G, and that i always capitalize my I's... I say Fak it!!! Carry on and edit those shits when you see it.. So... You Seeeeee, I, we got so many ideas and writings and photos and music and videos and commercials and tv shows and movies and poems and paintings and logos and women and love and atmospheres and eras to discover and express.. i wont waste a second correcting grammer for the person who's mind hovers far below the ideas being knitted together by our patterns of thought and subconscious reckoning .." TH..
8. No let us continue. A pattern is any clearly observable phenomenon than can be observed easily enough to be predicted after the pattern has displayed itself no more than 3 times. e.g. 1 5 9 13 __ What number come's Next? Comment Below. So for my Observation and prediction - I 'reckon' that every seven pictures there will be a significant marker/change/symbol.
10. In this picture my leg fell before the shutter captured the exposure, but this picture is in here because this is unedited. if you look at my blog you will see i like to play with colors and vignette and typography.. so none of these photos were color corrected or balanced in any way.
14. This is Series 2 in this pattern Series 1 was the beginning of the Shoe Pattern which is separate from the SEVENS pattern altogether. In this picture, for the first time we get some words from the other side.. BEWARE OF DOG... BITCH!!! lol
Anyway, thanks for coming out. Look Out for More Kickin Down Doors or whatever its called tomorrow or latter or wherever a door is about to get pretended kicked the fak down..
hearts of Love, Souls of Peace.