Better late, than never... excuse my late reply! Meanwhile I was really(!!!)excited to read and see the photos, replying took its time...
I dont even know how to say how happy I am that the apron fits you and you like it:) seeing you wearing it, walking through your lovely green garden is the best!!😊
I have to say it inspires me on a whole other level to keep on sewing. Seeing you wearing it and realizing that all the scenarios I had in mind for this apron (baking, picking flowers and fruits, wandering around in the garden) are going to be lived, by you 💛🌻
You would be even more excited knowing how many compliments your apron got!
Definitely not late, on contrary you know to pick the timing well!!!
Honestly, I don't think this post reflects the right amount of appreciation for you gesture, neither the photos, the best is yet to come, as soon as inspiration hits me!
Buttons are still the favorite part 😍
I'll wait patiently for inspiration to hit then😊
And I am glad the buttons close all the way🙃
My precious A*S isn't that much big.😂😂😂