The Hotel Paradise

Hello steemit comunity , here is my firs story ... (Is story for the Getto and also part of my story)

When I start with the photography I not have the idea what i whant to shoot in that time I was thinking thats cool to take a photos of things wich you like it's also kind of "Art"... But in that time when I bought my first camera wich was Olympus E20P (5mpx) but I did't have a computer to download my pics... so I download them in the Pc of one friend ...that was not a short period for me ... and also not a easy period just because I startet from the grount zero. I learn how to taking photos button by button test - mistakes, test-mistakes...

I was living in a neighborhood close to the getto, there still live in my opinion around 10 000 people in a really miserable condition... They had a huge block which was almost completely destroyed... In 2012 the major of the city decide to destroy the block ... it was dangerouse to live in side.

938672d06ecee3691e01cdd22fc3808a.jpg picture is from internet (It's not my) ! Just for a example...

I saw that block everyday when I was on my terasse ... So when they start to destroy the bilding I was the first photographer there... and I still have the neggatives from that time ( I was shooting with Zenith ET) cuz the Olympus was kaputt (broken)... I didn't secceed with my 1st assigment, but I realize what I whant to do in my life... I feel the emoutions they were on the air ( you know) maybe... I saw the tragedy of these people (befor that the gypsies were cheaters for me) but in this moment I saw a lot faces wich I will not forget for rest of my life. I saw people staing on them own bed in the field without roof up on them, the worried faces of the mothers...childrens crying or playing with something, but on the field yeah ...

Some of them after that they started to making huts from wood and plastics... the police officers started to destroy the huts...after that the gypsies started again... during that summer the weather was not good was raining many times...

Аt the same time it was very disappointing for me personally ... I was a kid without a lot of money in the pockets so I was saving all my money to buy films for the camera ... I've got four films in total - one of them camera break it when I rolled back, the other in the photo lab they developed it wrong and it was empty, the third one developed it correctly, and the pictures are in my archive. The fourth is in the fridge and I'm still afraid to develop it ... In most of the time on the field I was with a friend from the photography course, he managed to publish his story in several of the newspapers in the country and also was in the New York Times.
I envied him for that ... and when I went home with a broken and empty fims in home I was disappointed I found an empty box and started to collect all the things which I had collected over the past few years ... I did not want anything to remind me about photography . After I put everything in the box I looked around in the room and somehow was empty ... everything in the fucking box ... And then I started crying I asked myself:

  • Is this how it will endup the story, another failure, another disappointment ??? ... I felt something inside of me dying. After maybe half an hour in this situation ... I stopped to cryi and decided I would not surrender again and returned all the things to the places where they were.

And I went on ... I did not shoot the gypsies for some time ...

As a kids we called to this block the Hotel Paradise...In this summer also was released the documentary movie from HBO about this block with the same name ...

*** So this is the first part of the story soon I will write the second part of that story... In next parts I promise will share some of my pictures ![_DSC0275.jpg] ***

A view from another illegall Getto (destroyed) 2014/15

Am not gonna explain that one ...


I did not know that ghetto but I checked it's almost the same ... at first look is the same ,but am curious will research that one