✒️ Mail boxes/smell of childhood

For long as a new my self I was fan of writing letters. First letters I was writing to my friend who moved from our home town when we were kids. We grow up together, we have expression here describing how close we were , ''we were peeing in the same potty chair''. We were writing loong letters to each other from age 9 to 14-15..Can you imagine how many letters were there ...and I kept them for so long, sweet childish problems of first loves, hidden glances and problems at school..

But most beautiful moment was when mail came, seeing color or design of envelope, than opening it to see color of paper, and small illustrations on it..Sometimes we wrote on plain papers, those design one were expensive so we kept them for special occasions :)

Second person in my life, important letter person, was my school friend who stayed in my home town when war on Balkan started and I left..
At that time connection between countries were not in good shape but still we managed to send and receive letters..Telephone lines were poor and expensive, internet was SF..So we wrote, about life, we cried over those letters, telling each other deepest sorrows and joys..
Lucky today we have Viber, so we contact almost on a daily base..But letters kept our friendship in that rough times..and it lasts for 30 years now :)

And seeing those mail boxes, resisting modern technology reminded me on letters I still keep..


Funniest story I have with writing letters is with a friend who I met when I came here. He was first person here that I called a friend at that rough times..He made me laugh, discovered city to me, I knew everything about his girlfriends and secret loves..
One day he had to serve the army but his serving was at the same town we live..But he told me, write me a letters please..I can't go out from army barracks, and I need something to cut this senseless days routines..
So I wrote him a letters, despite we were seeing each other once a week when I left for a visit..Yes I know this sounds like he was in prison, but at that time serving army here was sort of a prison..
And he wrote back, made pictures on envelopes and funny massages..It was such a joy having his funny letters..

Now days, I don't write letters any more, there is no one having time for them, and we have all that Viber, Fb, mails..chats..
But for me opening the envelope and holding paper in hand with written words is like holding printed book instead of reading it from screen..Because there is that special moment of touching paper, and opening book covers ..

Does anyone of you still have pleasure to write someone letters, or do you still love to feel book in your hands?
Call me old and old fashioned but paper is my joy :)

ps- I have terrible handwriting, also I am left handed, we are known for a horrible handwriting..And those three persons were only persons who hadn't problem reading it ..



I have the same idea as you. I used to write to the guy I used to love even though the technology was developed. because reading a letter and feeling that emotion is a different pleasure. distant and meaningful from abbreviated messages. now that we are married we can not write a letter. and I missed those times :) and the books are still a big passion for me :)

This is so nice @artizm, you married the guy ..write him small notes, that can be really cute ..small home letters . :)

Да и не говоримо колико би данас могло бити интересантно прављење галерије фотографија старих поштанских сандучића свих врста, @jungwatercolor. То је посебан универзум :)

Uf odlicna ideja @lighteye, verovatno cu sutra pre podne da zapocnem lov po Zemunu sa aparatom :) Nisam do sad obracala paznju na taj detalj, hvala za ideju!!!

You want to write letters? i’d like to get soemthing other than bills and junk flyers in the mailbox for a change! I’ll send you some of my favourite papers.

Gladly @groundcontrol, but now I live in rented apartment and I don't have mail box under my name :( But, I hope soon I will have proper flat and than it will be my pleasure to write a letter to you :) I know that feeling when opening mail box and only bills and commercials pop out ...