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RE: A Timeless Truth....presented by Bleujay

in #photography3 months ago

I don't know how an iPad pro actually works, I didn't know you could shoot with it. But how is it more suited to actually shoot better than the Cannon, is it because of the lens or the position of the object?
Overall, you made a good shoot because this actually looks very good.


Greetings @josediccus ,

Interesting query...As I understand it, the camera on the back of the iPad Pro is the same as the one on the back of the iPhone. Hmm..What I have experienced is the Cannon needs more space...if I take pictures is quite useful, captures lovely detail when further back from the subject...make sense?

Having said sounds like I should study the camera's capabilities further.....thank you for your queries.

Happy Christ-mas,


As I understand it, the camera on the back of the iPad Pro is the same as the one on the back of the iPhone

Unbelievable. This means the camera of the iPad will be ridiculously good, since we all know that iPhone cameras are amazing. Thanks for clarifying this, it was such a wonderful discovery