When I look at these kind of beautiful mountains I just cant hold my self back from hiking on it or to take a photograph of it because its so amazing . The pleasure it gives to our eyes is just amazing its so peace and beautiful even just looking at it makes your forget everything.
photographer zo ym da nya kwas d oghaim to khpal kaar kawa xD
wali zu paki photographer nayam sa xD
Zamong pa kale paisy gate xD
was sa okunu zamunga kali dy xD
Mung la da kanzalo paisy rakai xD
bus steemit ta kanzali waka nu xD
very nice photography
thank you so much for the support
Mountain climbing is a very enjoyable trip ... I think
yes its very amazing experience everyone should try it
I couldn't agree with you more. Very nice photograph.
Where are these mountains?
thank you so much for liking the photograph yes how can we miss these kind of beautiful mountains
its the northern areas of pakistan