The past two weeks have been hella-busy for me, but seriously check this out...
I shot with ceramic artist Lana Filippone last weekend. She has finished her super secret art collection that she’ll be debuting this weekend at Artist Project TO which is actually where I met her 4 years and 6 shoots ago. She is one of the most talented and intriguing artists that I know, and has even had her work shown at The Louvre, so I’m grateful that she keeps coming back to have me shoot with her. The main image of this post is a little peek of what will be at the show this weekend in Toronto.
As mentioned in my last Photo Bio, I celebrated my 5 year anniversary with my girlfriend Kimberly! We spent a weekend in our favourite neighborhood in Toronto renting a tiny home. It’s approximately the size of typical house room, though it’s an entire house with 2 floors, a full kitchen, washroom, laundry, bedroom, storage, and even an extra fold out bed. The only catch is the second floor bedroom ceiling is only 3 feet high. We spent three lovely nights in the house, and the days running around the city to all of our favourite vegan restaurants.
Oh yeah and I bought a DJI Mavic Air drone! This is the second one I’ve owned, following the first DJI Phantom back from before the drone craze really started. It is unbelievable how far the technology has come in the past five years. My last drone didn’t have FPV (First Person View), any digital interface with analytics, batteries that lasted over 8 minutes of flight, an altitude control stick that would automatically centre when not touching it, or a gimbal. The Phantom 1 literally had a blinking light to communicate everything to you (on the drone), and a square box you could put a gopro into. You wouldn’t know how far it actually was or what you shot until you got home, and the quality was beyond bad. Most people in the drone or UAV community weren’t photographers so trying to explain that gopros had awful image quality went right over their heads. Anyways I’ll write a proper Photo Bio on this later. The Mavic Air has been better than I could imagine in every way so far. Below is an image shot last week.
I will be posting more frequently with the Photo Bio posts in coming weeks. Since the series is being posted chronologically, naturally I’m starting with the old boring stuff and it will become more interesting as time goes on. Wait til you see what I’ve been up to lately!
Here is a list of all the Photo Bio’s to date:
Photo Bio #11 - Hobbit Hole Love Story & 5yr Anniversary
Photo Bio #10 - Concert Photographer Evolution
Photo Bio #9 - Out With The Old And In With The New
Photo Bio #8 - First Glam Shoot With Tina...and Friends?
Photo Bio #7 - An Alien Utopia to Photograph In Your Own Backyard!
Photo Bio #6 - How To Create A Twin In Photoshop
Photo Bio #5 - Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas Study
Photo Bio #4 - I Almost Became A Pilot!
Photo Bio #3 - Everyone Found Out I Was Different...Which Is Good!
Photo Bio #2 - Fresh Perspective
Photo Bio #1 - ...My Parents, Construction Machinery, and Dinosaurs...
Wow that's some phenomenal ceramic work :O
You must be loving the new toy drools