Sunrise before the rain / Sonnenaufgang vor dem Regen

in #photography6 years ago

After it was dry yesterday morning, I thought that I could once again photograph a sunrise.

Nachdem es gestern früh noch trocken war, dachte ich mir, dass ich wieder einmal einen Sonnenaufgang fotografieren könnte.

Before the rain / Vor dem Regen

When I arrived at the bridge at the reservoir, dark rain clouds were already rising from the west, coming quickly closer.

By the time I had parked the car, the clouds had almost arrived at the sunrise and the first raindrops had already fallen.

Als ich an der Brücke beim Stausee ankam, sind von Westen bereits dunkle Regenwolken aufgezogen, die schnell näher kamen.

Bis ich das Auto geparkt hatte, waren die Wolken schon fast beim Sonnenaufgang angekommen und auch die ersten Regentropfen sind auch schon gefallen.

The first photo shows the view from the bridge to the west, where you can see the rain clouds and even distant rain showers.

Das erste Foto zeigt den Ausblick von der Brücke in Richtung Westen, wo man die Regenwolken und auch schon entfernte Regenschauer erkennen kann.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 • f/8 • 1/8 sec • @24 mm

The clouds have left a narrow strip open for the sun in the east.

Einen schmalen Streifen haben die Wolken für die Sonne im Osten frei gelassen.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 • f/16 • 0.3 sec • @24 mm

After the two photos which I took from the bridge, I walked east along the water. In this photo it looks like this would be a pretty nice morning walk.

Nach den beiden Fotos von der Brücke bin ich am Wasser entlang in Richtung Osten gegangen. Auf diesem Foto schaut es so aus, als ob dies ein ganz normaler schöner Morgenspaziergang wäre.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 • f/16 • 0.5 sec • @32 mm

The cloud cover quickly became denser, and then it started raining properly.

Die Wolkendecke ist aber schnell dichter geworden, und dann hat es richtig zu regnen begonnen.

❖ click for fullsize view ❖

Canon EOS R | RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
ISO 100 • f/16 • 2.5 sec • @33 mm

Of course, under a beautiful sunrise, one imagines something different, and so, a few minutes later, I was glad to have arrived at the car in a reasonably dry state.

It has been raining hard all over yesterday, and it has got really cold. Although today's Monday has remained largely dry, it is still uncomfortably cold.

Unter einem schönen Sonnenaufgang stellt man sich natürlich etwas Anderes vor, und so war ich wenige Minuten später froh, noch einigermaßen trocken am Auto angekommen zu sein.

Es hat dann den ganzen gestrigen Sonntag zum Teil stark geregnet und es ist richtig kalt geworden. Der heutige Montag ist zwar weitgehend trocken geblieben, aber es ist noch immer ungemütlich kalt.

Location / Standort: Drau Reservoir Annabrücke

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Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Johann Piber

Photos and Text: Johann Piber
#originalcontent #originalworks #deutsch #austria #steemit-austria



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What a stunning and well composed pic. Likeit

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Thank you very much for your nice comment on my photos, @michaeljn 😊

As a joke they say that Columbus opened the window to America, he is called the discoverer, but this morning, you must call you the discoverer, my Dear friend @Johannpiber. You opened the window to the sun, rain and these wonderful landscapes! This window will never close if you reliably save these files containing wonderful pictures!

Thank you so much, my friend @barski 😊

That morning began quite nice yesterday, then the rain clouds came and also a cold wind. This is why I didn't post the photos yesterday, because I did not like them for showing the bead weather that came instead of a nice sunrise ;)

Have a nice evening my friend.

I'm having a hard time deciding which of this pictures I like best.
$rewarding 50% 12 min

To be honest, I did not like the photos at first, because I wanted to shoot some nice sunrise photos, but now I think these are not my worst photos ;)Wow, thank you so much, @markkujantunen 😊

It's the first one. It's difficult to nail this type of photos without exposure stacking.

Thank you :) I like the third photo most, which I took when I was walking beside the water. I do very seldom exposure bracketing, because I'm too lazy ;)

Reflection part means, in couple of picture reflection in water is bringing an effect up like there is an underwater world too. Stay blessed.@johannpiber, You've just showcased us very beautiful world and specially i want to touch the

Maybe it's not just an underwater world, but a mirrorworld, we are looking at, when we look into a mirror. Maybe this mirrorworld is real... just joking 😉

I thank you for this overall nice comment on photos, which I did not like at first. Your words give the photos a much better description than I did, @chireerocks 😊

Thank you so much for your kind words and these words added value to my thoughts. Stay blessed.

You're and your words are always welcome, my friend :)

Thank you so much. 🙂

These are exceptional photos! I think you are professional photographer!!

Very calm and contemplative moments in there!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes @kaminchan, I am a professional photographer and I earn a lot of money with such photos

... this would be the answer which I would love to give you, but I can't.
So, my answer is:

I'd love to be a professional photographer, dear @kaminchan, and I thank you very much for this overall nice compliment :)

Wow, das erste Bild sieht mega aus! :)
Tolle Aufnahme!

Danke dir @melvin7 :)

Mir haben die Fotos zuerst nicht wirklich gefallen - die grelle Morgensonne, der Dreck im Wasser... Erst nachdem ich sie eine Weile nicht angeschaut und dann gestern in Lightroom geöffnet habe, hat sich das geändert ;)

Ich kenn das selber ganz gut :)
Da komm ich teilweise erst nach Monaten drauf, dass die Bilder eigentlich doch ganz gut geworden sind...

Ja, ich lasse die Fotos meistens nach der Bearbeitung eine Weile "abliegen" und schaue sie mir dann nach einer Weile wieder an. Meistens fällt mir dann noch was auf, das zu Verbessern ist. Diese Fotos mussten schon vor der Bearbeitung wie gutes Steakfleisch erst mal gut abhängen ... :)

Ja, da bin ich ganz deiner Meinung! :)
Was ich auch gerne mache, ist mit dem Zuschneiden-Tool herum experimentieren - oft kann der richtige Bildausschnitt das Bild noch um einiges aufwerten :)

Dem kann ich nur zustimmen :) dazu habe ich vor kurzem auch auf Youtube ein Video gesehen, war von Nigel Danson, wenn ich mich nicht schwer täusche.

Very magnificent sunrise and it's really nice walk for you along the water in the morning indeed!

Great capture! I especially like the first and second pictures! The reflection is very gorgeous. ;)

Thank you so much, @tangmo, and you are right, it is a very nice walk. Especially in the mornings, when there is nobody else but me it is calm and peaceful there.

Thank you for this nice comment and that you like my photos, @tangmo 😊

You are very much welcome! Ah! You were so lucky to be there.... ;)

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Thank you very much, dear @treeplanter :)

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Thank you very much again @steemitboard :) Your support is very appreciated.

Wow great pictures once more. Such beautiful reflections and light capturing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much @tijntje 😊

As I mentioned in other replies, I didn't like these photos at first, because I was expecting a sunrise, and got a gray sky with coldness and rain. But when I looked closer on the images I have seen that they are not so very bad, and after a bit of editing they turned out quite nice ;)

Sometimes the folder with failed shots can give us some nice pictures. But indeed quite different from q huge sunrise. Still beauties!

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Thank you @tijntje 😊

Right, always, when I think the images are not good enough, I leave them for a while. After a few hours or maybe even days I look at the photos again, and mostly I see them in a different light then.

Sometimes just a little cropping work could make an average image good.

I know you were probably hoping for a spectacular sunrise, but nature still put on a nice display for you and you got some great shots

Nature is natural, and I'm not angry with her for not doing what I expect her to do.
No matter what weather - you just have to look to see something beautiful ... thank you JJ :)

I agree never any point in getting angry at nature she gives us such variety from gorgeous moments to dark and it is what it is

Today is a mix of rain and overcast hoping the rain clears by 11 as I have a ticket to go up the vessel at Hudson yards then the forecast yesterday was thunderstorms so I booked another ticket for in two weeks time so will play it by ear and see what the weather is doing and decide

Yes, you just need to open your eyes, and you will see something beautiful in nature, at least most of the times ;)

We have quite similar weather here - all is gray and it is raining.

Tomorrow is a holiday, May 1st is our Labor Day and we don't go to work.
What do you think - will Artur Day be a holiday too? LOL

Indeed there is always something to see and shoot if you keep your eyes and mind open :)
LaCour day used to be a holiday in NZ not sure if it still is but I think it was in October
And yes without a Doubt Artur day should indeed be a holiday, perhaps is such an auspicious event it should be a week long holiday

Of course, I have googled LaCour day - don't laugh :)))

Artur day - worldwide one week off - I would vote for it, yes I would :)

LMAO I did it again didn’t I, of course I did mean Labour Day used to be a holiday in NZ, I think almost every worker in the world would vote for a week long holiday whatever it was about :)

Nice photography

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your nice comment on my photos, @crytiblock :)

I like sunrise or sunset and awesome photography sunrise before the rain.

Hello @kamrunnahar, thank you so much. I did not expect so many nice comments on these photos. I am very pleased :)

Howdy sir johannpiber! wow those are some very nice shots you got, the clouds, sun and weather all worked out to make some beautiful scenery!

Yes, @janton, I did not think, that the photos would be that nice, when I was there ... sunrise in the east, rain clouds in the west, and I was in the middle :)

I think you are meant to do this photography work sir johann so I think things align for you!

Yes, @janton, maybe you are right ... let's hope you are right :)

howdy again sir johannpiber! well sir, I'm fairly confident that I'm sure because I usually am. Unless
you ask Mrs. J and then she might have a different opinion and roll her eyes! lol.But I'm sure I'm right
about this.

So, @janton, do you think that I should better ask Mrs. J. instead of you? ... or are you really sure, because I am afraid, that she might lock me in 😉

haha! well sometimes she agrees with me especially in areas that she knows I'm better informed, like this one. So she would agree!