So many sunrise and sunset shots for this weeks #photo52 theme "warm" and I have got one too ;) |
So viele Sonnenaufgangs- und Sonnenuntergangsfotos zum #photo52 Wochenthema "warm" und ich habe auch eines ;) |
Beach : Sunrise : Warm
Grado . Italy

My day started when I woke up at 2:54 a.m. What could I do so early, I asked myself, and my answer was that I once again could take a picture of a sunrise, because in terms of time, it was likely that I would arrive in Italy at the sea until sunrise. | Mein Tag heute begann, als ich um um 02:54 Uhr aufgewacht bin. Was kann man so früh machen, habe ich mich gefragt und meine Antwort war, dass ich wieder mal einen Sonnenaufgang fotografieren könnte, weil von der Zeit her es sich ausgehen dürfte, dass ich bis zum Sonnenaufgang nach Italien ans Meer komme. |

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I arrived in Grado about half an hour before sunrise. The last time I was in Italy by the sea, the kids were pretty young and built sand castles, but I have never been to Grado. | Ungefähr eine halbe Stunde vor Sonnenaufgang bin ich in Grado angekommen. Als ich zum letzten Mal in Italien am Meer gewesen bin, sind die Kinder noch klein gewesen und haben Sandburgen gebaut, aber in Grado bin ich überhaupt noch nie gewesen. |

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Accordingly, I had no idea where to go. Everything looks easy and simple on Google Maps, but when you are in the dark on the spot, it is something completely different. | Dementsprechend hatte ich überhaupt keine Ahnung, wohin ich sollte. Auf Google Maps schaut alles wunderbar einfach aus, aber wenn man dann im Dunkeln vor Ort ist, dann ist das ganz etwas Anderes ;) |

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But of course I found the beach. Since there is no tourist season, there was dirt and garbage all over the place. The sand was pretty muddy and all in all pretty much uninviting. You may be sure, that this will change in the next few months and become a nice sandy beach again and the tourists will again lie next to each other like the sardines in a tin. | Ich habe den Strand aber natürlich gefunden. Nachdem keine Touristensaison ist, lag überall angeschwemmter Dreck und Müll herum. Der Sand war ziemlich schlammig und alles in allem wirklich nicht einladend. Das wird sich aber in den nächsten Monaten ändern und wieder zu einem schönen Sandstrand werden, und die Touristen werden hier wieder wie die Sardinen in der Büchse nebeneinander liegen. |

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The clouds were gray and low over the horizon, but a little higher they had a rich pink-orange color that stretched across the sky. Due to the lack of local knowledge, I was quite happy to have found at least this boat jetty as a motif. The littered beach was not really suitable as a foreground. | Die Wolken hingen grau und tief über dem Horizont, hatten etwas höher aber eine satte pink-orange Färbung, welche sich über den ganzen Himmel zog. Mangels Ortskenntnisse war ich ziemlich froh, zumindest diesen Bootsanlegesteg als Motiv gefunden zu haben. Der vermüllte Strand war nicht wirklich als Vordergrund geeignet. |

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To be honest, it was pretty cold today by the sea. If the beach had been nicer, I would have stayed longer and taken more photos, but then I would probably have frozen to death 😉 | Um ganz ehrlich zu sein, es ist heute am Meer ziemlich kalt gewesen. Wenn der Strand schöner gewesen wäre, wäre ich länger geblieben und hätte mehr Fotos gemacht, aber dann wäre ich wahrscheinlich erfroren 😉 |

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Nevertheless, this last picture is my contribution to this week's topic "warm", because you don't see the cold in the photo, I believe, and because a sunrise always brings warmth to my heart. | Nichtsdestotrotz ist dieses letzte Bild mein Beitrag zum dieswöchigen Thema "warm", weil man die Kälte dem Foto nicht ansieht, denke ich, und weil ein Sonnenaufgang mir immer Wärme ins Herz zaubert. |
Photo 52, 2020 Challenge, Week Number 6 - warm

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Photo 52 Challenge
That's a great photo challenge. @wwwiebe started the project "Photo 52" and created the Steem Account @photo52. The contest defines a topic for each week of the year that runs for 7 days. The rules are simple and are announced every Wednesday on @photo52 with the post of new theme of the week. The topic of this week is warm. You can find more information on the topic of this week, the rules and prizes at |
Das ist eine großartige Foto Challenge. @wwwiebe hat das Projekt "Photo 52" ins Leben gerufen und dafür den Steem Account @photo52 erstellt. Die Challenge gibt für jede Woche des Jahres ein Thema vor, welches 7 Tage läuft. Die Regeln sind einfach und werden jeden Mittwoch auf @photo52 mit dem neuen Wochenthema verlautbart. Das Thema dieser Woche ist warm. Nähere Informationen zum Thema dieser Woche und zu den Regeln und Preisen findet ihr auf |
Location / Standort: Grado Beach, Italy |
Grado, Friuli-Venezia Giulia | Grado (Friaul-Julisch Venetien) |
All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4L IS USM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C. If you are interested in the shooting data - I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures. |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.
Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening and a great wek ahead,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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Those are pretty fantastic. I scrolled through the post thinking that there was no possible way the next photo could be better than the previous, and you proved me wrong. That silhouette of that pier is superb!
Thank you for entering!
Apart from the garbage all around that pier was the only thing to photograph there, but next time I know better ;)Thank you very much that you like the photos, @wwwiebe, I really appreciate your nice comment.
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up, but later on a cold !BEER would be nice to have 😉
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amazing sunset! strangely, I love all of the post more than the last picture..
$trdo and !DERANGED !BEER, and also not forget about !MARLIANS and !COFFEEA your work deserves.
I know it looks like a sunset, but actually, I have shot this photo a few minutes after the others. When I turned around onmy way back to the car the rising sun suddenly came through a gap between the clouds. I was surprised, but I managed to take some photos. This one was the only acceptable image, but I'll have a deeper look at the other images, because maybe I can photoshop all the garbage away that can be seen in the foreground ;)
Good morning and thank you so much for your nice comment, my friend @qwerrie 🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉
0.04945050 TRDO0.03296700 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @qwerrie, you successfuly trended the post shared by @johannpiber! @johannpiber will receive & @qwerrie will get
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These are truly amazing sunrise photos, thanks for sharing them $trdo
It's all my pleasure to share my photos with you all - thank you so much for your kind comment, @andy4475🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up, but later on a cold !BEER would be nice to have 😉
Thank you very much, you are most generous indeed 👏
You are most welcome, @andy4475 🙂
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
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Thank you √√√√√
Pink scenery
The sky and the water seem to be connected
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Yes, pink morning sky was perfectly reflected in the water - thank you very much @cloudblade 🙂
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
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The Sea and the sunset...all beautiful dear 😁
A !DERANGED !BEER to refresh you and a !MARLIANS !COFFEEA everybody
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Thank you very much @davidesimoncini - and it's the Italian sea ;)
A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
0.09063900 TRDO0.06042600 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @davidesimoncini, you successfuly trended the post shared by @johannpiber! @johannpiber will receive & @davidesimoncini will get
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The beach may have been dirty and uncared for but you captured the beauty of the sunrise superbly
In little town down a side street is the !DERANGED !shop of the !MARLIANS you can buy cold !BEER and warm !COFFEEA and other things you don't want to know what it is 😉
Thank you very much, my friend, but it was quite cold there and I was glad when I got back in my car - I had thought it might be warmer by the sea ;)
A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
Not sure about there but with the sea Breeze here it is always a few degrees cooler at the beach
I don't drink !BEER anymore and never have had hot drinks myself,which some may say is !DERANGED
I have never been at the sea in Winter, so I thought it might be like in Summer and warmer than at home - I could have looked at the weather forecast though 😉
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up from a !DERANGED dream 😉
I grew up near the ocean and. Got used to the difference in temp one does mentally think it will be warmer though
If one engages he gets !ENGAGE 50 from me
I think I was about 25 when I have been at the sea for the first time, but from then on I have spent every year part of my holidays in the south at the sea. But that was always during the Summer and never in the cold months ;)
Thanks for the !ENGAGE 50 - have a !BEER from me in exchange 😉
I am kind of the opposite I lived a shot bike ride front he sea till about 18 then was inland but only at max an hours drive to the sea till about 30, then i lived in countries far from the he sea for most of the time tillI moved here ay be 8 years ago and on the coast again
I do not drink hot drinks myself, but I do share !COFFEEA
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by the
Thank you so much for the resteem, @artmentor, I appreciate it 🙂
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Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Eine kleine Dividende a little bit !BEERDu wurdest als Member von @investinthefutur gevotet! --->
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It pays off to get up early😊. Great shots.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes, it definitely pay off and I like to get up early anyway ;)
Thank you so much Harald, I appreciate your kind comment 🙂
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
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Hey @harkar, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
The right photo for warm 😊☀️
You gave me an idea and I remembered the photos for warm.😉
Posted using Partiko Android
Cool, so you'll join the challenge :)Thank you @suzana72 🙂
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
You're welcome@johannpiber😊
Yes I join the challenge😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Good morning and good luck @suzana72🙂 I'm looking forward to see your #photo52 challenge photo.
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉
Good mogning@johannpiber 😊
Thank you and good luck too.
I hope you will like it.
Have a nice day and have a wonderful week.☀️🤗
Posted using Partiko Android
Fine, I'll have a look at it later on - wish you a great week too 🙂Good evening @suzana72 🙂
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
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Hey @suzana72, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
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After such a long trip you deserve !BEER and COFFEEA.
You have travel a long way just to get photos of sunrise @johannpiber. Did you take more photos in the area during the day? Your photos of the sunrise on the beach are beautiful, and I wish you good luck in the @photo52 contest. have a nice evening @johannpiber
I have been at home at lunchtime ;)
My plan was to stay there for a couple of hours and shoot beach photos, but the beach was so very dirty that I decided to come back on another day.
Good morning and as usual I thank you so much for yourkind comment, @cezary-io, I wish you a great day and week 🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up, but later on a cold !BEER would be nice to have 😉
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Moin Johann,
die Fotos sind wieder klasse.
Das Motiv? Ob sich dafür die Strecke gelohnt hat?
Da wäre doch der See bei Dir um die Ecke sicherlich um einige schöner gewesen.
Jetzt war ich wieder ehrlich.
Liebe Grüße
Guten Morgen Peter,
kommt drauf an - ich sehe den See jeden Tag und möchte lieber weiter weg. Genauso haben auch wir schöne Wälder und Wasserfälle und ich fahre lieber nach Slowenien. Zumindest das möchte ich heuer auch etwas ändern, indem ich öfters mal im eigenen Land bleibe.
Die Strecke hat sich in natürlich in keinem Fall gelohnt, weil der Strand dermaßen zugemüllt gewesen ist, dass ich gar nicht weiter fotografieren wollte, was ich eigentlich vorgehabt habe.
Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Tag 🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up, but later on a cold !BEER would be nice to have 😉
Guten Morgen Johann,
ja das habe ich gemeint.
Das waren buchstäblich Lehrkilometer gewesen :)
Na vielleicht war wenigstens die Fahrt schön und eventuell hat es ja Dein Auto mal wieder gebraucht, ein längeres Stück zu fahren.
So ich bin heute weg und das den ganzen Tag, also dir einen schönen und uns einen erfolgreichen.
Liebe Grüße
Nochmal guten Morgen Peter,
Autobahnfahrten sind nicht schön - durch das Gelände wäre schöner gewesen, aber dazu hat mir die Zeit gefehlt - 4 1/2 Stunden Minimum eine Strecke.
Solch weite Strecken fahre ich eher selten, das stimmt, aber zur Zeit ist mein Auto wirklich viel unterwegs, denn es ist gestern kaum ausgekühlt gewesen, als sich mein Sohnemann wieder reingesetzt hat. Als ich heute früh getankt habe, waren 715 km drauf, davon etwa 500 von mir bzw bin ich gestern vor dem Tanken schon ca 70 Kilometer gefahren, was heißt, dass gestern 785 Kilometer gefahren worden sind ;)
Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Tag 🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉
Das it ne ganze Menge. Ich denke es wird Zeit, dass Sohnemann ein eigenes Auto bekommt :)
Oh dann will ja das Töchterchen auch eines haben.
Könnte teuer werden :)
Liebe Grüße
Das ist mir dann zu teuer. Nur für die Versicherungen Auto und 2 Maschinen zahle ich ohnehin schon 250 Euro im Monat. Dazu kommt noch das Auto meiner Frau...
Da tanke ich lieber meinen Wagen voll und fahre am Wochenende oder sonst, wenn er frei ist ;)
Liebe Grüße 🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉
Wie wäre es, wenn die Kücken sich das selbst bezahlen?
Es wäre ja dann auch Ihres.
Liebe Grüße
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Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Nice photos. Very dreamy to me.
I like the sunset one best. 😊 !trdo
Good morning and thank you very much for your kind comment, @quotes-haven 🙂
I would love to agree with you that it was dreamy, but I was there - it has been much too cold to be a dream ;)
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉
😊 Thanks for the tokens. 🙏 !trdo
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Thank you very much for always keeping me informed, @steemitboard, I do appreciate your service 👍🙂
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Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @johannpiber!
Thank you very much for informing me, @arcange, I appreciate your service 🙂
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The pink ! So beautiful
And that color was no Photoshopping 😉 ... thank you so much 🙂
A hot morning !COFFEEA is very important for me to wake up 😉
These photos are so beautiful and subtle!
Amazingly sweet light with delicious gentleness.
You haven't seen me freeze and shiver and you haven't seen all that garbage on the beach 😉 but you are so right, the whole scene looked very beautiful and subtle, lit in pink by the morning sun, dear @kaminchan 🙂
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
Oh! You’ll have to get your hip-flask full of brandy with you next time! Or a flask of hot coffee to keep warm!
People could be so irresponsible that they left rubbish everywhere they went!! That’s a real shame! Bad karma for them any way!
A brandy wouldn't have been good, because I had to drive 3 hours back home. So I would prefer the hot coffee, which I actually had with me ;)
I think that's quite normal at the sea when nobody cleans the stuff that the waves bring to the beach. During the Summer they clean the beach every morning.
A !BEER has to be cold to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉
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Hey @kaminchan, here is a little bit of from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Thank you! Beer is good!
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