
Cool, what camera is mounted to drone? Is it dedicated, can you mount high end photo equipment without fear of dropping it?

The drone is a DJI phantom 3 Advanced. It has it's own camera and gimbal to keep it stable. It uses GPS and its easy to fly. You can get larger drones that will carry professional camera equipment. They cost quite a bit more though!

oh... you can see a photo of the drone in one of my older posts too.

Beautiful photos! I look forward to seeing more. Its seems that you travel a lot, I would love to see some from Norway if you get there, I've heard the fjords are a sight.

I wish I travel a lot :( The Poland trip was a one off really... I had not been abroad for over 10 years before that! I did love it though and have actually been considering a trip to Norway as well as other places if things allow. Will certainly bring the drone if it happens!