Nice cat. When I lived in Colombia we had a street dog that lived in front of our building. His name was Tony. The security guards loved him because he had chased off some thieves one night when the building was under construction and all the residents loved him too. People would feed him and I think he ate better than I did. I routinely saw him eating steak. He looked pretty mangy and during an owners meeting management proposed to have Tony evicted but the owners voted overwhelmingly to keep him. The apartment was near a main street and he was eventually killed by a car. It was pretty sad.
I would post a pic of him but I'm traveling and most of my photos are on my computer at home.
Yeah that the kind of "communal pets" we're talking about. This cat is actually a fluffy lady, manybof these street animals have sad life's for long time, she have had many kittens in several opportunities and most of them died on the parking lot under cars on drown in holes in he garden when rains, but eventually we figured out to bring her to surgery so she can not have more kittens, since that she's the one who says hello first when you go in or out.