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RE: A Timeless Truth....presented by Bleujay

in #photography3 months ago

Beautiful photos and I loved looking at that white lily also in watercolor!... Wow!... How lovely!...

As a child, I grew up immersed in the Catholic religion and me and my siblings had prayer rituals upon awakening and before going to bed to sleep... With the passing of the years and the arrival of the typical rebelliousness of adolescence, much of that was left behind in me.... But around the age of 36 I ended up in a psychologist's chair (due to work stress) and that helped me to “reconnect” somehow with the practice of certain things as a ritual to calm down, I even explored yoga, but nowadays I usually wake up, go out to my backyard, talk to my 4 cats, prepare coffee and enjoy its taste and aroma, look at the horizon and see the first lights of the morning, and then decide where I will go to wander around taking pictures... When I do everything like this, I know the day will flow properly... From my point of view, that's my morning ritual!...

!discovery 35


Greetings @jlinaresp ,

Appreciate you dropping by for a cuppa. ^__^

Thank you for your kind and encourageing words with regard to the post.

It is true ..routine and order ..assist in bringing order to our lives and in disaster it should be established as quickly as possible.

Routine is quite the organiser of our day and such....It is usually thought through and you are aware of why you are doing what you are is usually a volitional choice not a blind choice.

Ritual on the other praying upon awakening and at bedtime would be a considered a ritual...and could be a ritual that was meaningless if one did not understand they were speaking on a direct line to God the Father, Supreme Being of the Universe who has given humans/mortals the privilege of speaking to Him directly.

In order to do so...God has promised that if we believe in His Son Jesus Christ...we become His children and have a prayer direct line to God the Father through Christ His Son....and eternal life with Him forever.

Christ said I am the way, the truth and the man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John14.6 It is faith alone in Christ alone for salvation. A choice, your choice...therefore meaningful.

Thank you for your recommendation to Discovery-it and for the Pizza...very kind of you.

Kind Regards, Wishing you and yours a Happy Christ-mas.
