Love , how exiting ?


Love story
is a collection of perfect moments with a romantic beginning and a Happy ending.It is about moments that you need to capture, moments of craziness , unnecessary fights , responsible arguments , crossing lines and putting up with ''out off the blues''  mood swings. Being  in Love is not about Feeling [safe] and Feeling [ sure] about the Future and who you are when you are with that person , but in the same breath , do you love who you are when you're without that person or not? Still making your bond stronger each day by talking about stuff you 2 people are different about or you're still building the person up till your building blocks looks like one beautiful landscape .It is about vulnerable, uncertain, susceptible and still Madly in LOVE . So don't fear love when it comes, simple because it makes you vulnerable and don't be surprised when it Leaves either.Just be glad you had the opportunity to Experience , and to be honest it comes from both sides that needs to put effort in by trying to find your soul mate till the day you lay down . It might last for a few Minutes , few days, few weeks , months or years, then it might surprise you  and last a life time, everybody is different.!

" My Eyes"

There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind . She hated everyone except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. He said that she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend... One day, someone donated pair of eyes to her, and then she could see everything. Including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her,"now that you can see the world , will you marry me?? the girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too , and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears , and later wrote a letter her saying"Just take care off my eyes dear"!!{ he had donated his eyes to her}. This is how the human brain changes when our status changes.

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  Only few remember what life was before , and who's always been there even in the most painful situations  and still love you foe who you are and very special no matter what u think off them, cause what ever happened in the past that you to may been through and helped each other whether time alarm said 2;00 pm or 7 am , your time schedule for that one special person in your heart is 24/7 open doors! 


You know its that special feeling of Feeling wanted , and LOVED.

Love is like a chocolate box , each chocolate is like a portion of life, some are crunchy , some are nutty , and some are soft. But all are DELICIOUS!! you will get those nasty chocolates that does't looks like eatable but still try and might be surprised how delicious it is , not so pretty on the outside but the inside is worth trying , and so we can also compair our relationships with chocolates.

 Sometimes , on our way through the world, we meet someone who touches our heart in a way others don't and  its so amazing that they can  just discover who you are she the positive vibes , and your strong points in life, and then just help you to work on your weak points to get them stronger as well . At some point in Life , someone will Love you more than you expect. Be patient and learn to wait because sometimes , a patient Person receives  the best Love Story, and yes sometimes you Relationship is going to feel like a Lovely road trip , and sometimes is going to feel like a [4BY4] .!!

Thank you for reading my post , I hope it may gave you ideas to help.