A Few Nice Flower Pics And Some Others

in #photography9 years ago (edited)

I went to my dad's yesterday with the family and took some pictures while I was there. These will be full size images as I have resized them. Please comment with suggestions or let me know what your favorite pic is.

Bright pink flower

Pink flower with red veins

Purple Flower

My dad's garden

Sunflare in my dads yard

looking up

Hope you enjoyed them! Take it easy.



Fixed image spacing and wanted to point out the pictures are links to the full size image too!


My Grand Mother Use To
Plant Flowers Like That
Very Nice Photos to Enjoy

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed them.

I like them all, but my favorite would be #5, love the sun shining through the trees.

I love playing with the sun flare, I took about 6 photos similar to that one but I though that one looked that best. Thanks for the feedback.

Also since you like the sun flare in the trees, check out my earlier post. There's a few photos in there I think you might like.

I will, I love photograpy, especially of nature.