sir johannpiber! I agree, your trained eye is becoming more trained! lol
Oh yes, there is a voting bot battle going on and I'm one of the people who are caught in the middle of it! I get an upvote bot then a downvote bot shows up to try and negate it! lol. It's insane. It's happening to alot of us. we know who's bots are whos and they are trying to hurt each other.
Fine, I hope they don't harm me when I reply to your comments ;)
A "voting bot battle" ... strange - I wished some upvoting bots would have a battle upvoting just me ;)))
it shouldn't be a problem. it all started when fulltimegeek visited that contest page that I told you about, the one I have been winning? Well, he liked what we were doing so he decided to reward our efforts by sending his upvoting bots when we made comments.
But, berniesanders hates fulltimegeek and trys to destroy everything he does including canceling out his upvoting bots by sending in his downvoting bots to cancel everything out that fulltime geek does! It's nuts. So there are about 10 or 12 of us from the Engagement League who all have this crazy bot war going on over many of our comments.
It's the craziest thing I ever saw.
That's crazy, just as you say.
I was going to write some sentences with words like "childish," "power games," or "innocent sufferers," but since I do not know the exact reasons for their battle, I do not do that for the time being. But if this little war is carried out in my neutral territory, then I will mobilize my army ;)
Howdy today sir johannpiber! yes sir, I'm just trying to stay neutral too and I have no idea why they are fighting and what their problems with each other are. Some kind of power struggle for some unknown reason. I've never had anything to do with either one of them.
Hello @janton, to be neutral is the best I think, as long as they don't involve innocent.
howdy again sir johannpiber! Well that's why this battle or bot war is so controversial, because alot of innocent bystanders are being hurt by it. I haven't so far except that it fills my comment section up with silly bots! lol. So far I've been coming out a little ahead but some people haven't been.
It's not good for the platform because it looks so childish.
As I have told already: I don't know them and I don't know their reasons and their actions have not harmed me yet. It's just annoying...Good morning @janton, they are just kids playing a childish game 😉